Just Started.


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
North London
Hi All,

Well I have filled my tank, it has been sitting running for one week so far and this is the stats
Salinity is 1.025 temperature is sitting at 25C. Can I add live rock? I was thinking of adding 20kgs LR to start the cycling process. I was thinking of waiting another month before adding fish or maybe 1st some inverts. I will be getting my sump at the end of next week along with my skimmer. I am going to add an Eden Power head just to get a mix flow. My tank is 165L big. It is running with an eheim prof. 2 and a maxi-jet 600 at the other end.

Can someone point to info about the right salinity and temperature to have the tank at?
Salinity and temp are fine, in fact ideal. Remember you're looking for 20x turnover per hour in terms of flowrate, but otherwise yeah, go ahead and get some LR
I would add your lr asap.The more I put in during cycling the faster my levels dropped to 0! it def speeds the process up.Good luck!

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