Just Spotted Cory Fry In Main Tank...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hi all

Well my blue platy is dropping fry in trap,but doesn't appear to have had many,so i was looking around the main tank with a torch just to see if i could see any in there and low and behold i spotted a cory fry!!! :hyper: It was definately a cory not a platy fry,against the edge of the tank,so i ran off to get something to catch it in and put it in my cory fry tank anyway a few seconds later it had disappeared and gone into hiding!!

I reckon its a week or so old,how it survived i don't know! i gave the main tank a gravel vac and water change yesterday!!

Do you think it will survive?
I used to breed my corys and raise the fry in my display tank which had only livebearers in it.. I think yours has a good chance of making it if you have plenty of cover, mulch (where there be fry food) and go easy on the syphon.

Anyways, congratulations on the babies :) What species?
Hi thanks :)

They are cory trilineatus, i have 8 cory fry in a separate tank, there is plenty of cover in the main tank,but lots of egg eating platys,so i hope they dont want a nibble of cory fry! :rolleyes:
Great, same as me! The fry should be able to out swim the predators :)
Where do you think thre Cory laid the eggs without being eaten?

The cories have been laying their eggs under the moss balls, i remember losing a few eggs they dropped off and fell into the gravel so i assumed they would probably get eaten,i will keep an eye open for the fry but i think its either hiding well or have been eaten.

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