Just Spotted A Baby Platy!


New Member
Nov 4, 2006
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it is such a supprise and excitement to spot this little guy in our new tank. it is a little less then 1cm long. judged by black lines on its tail, it should be a red wagtail platy.
I have read some helpful information from the pinned topic, but still I have one question:
I understand it will be the best if we put the baby in a seperate container. but it might be 'mission possible' since I seriously doubt that I could catch this little guy. So if I let it stay in this community tank, how could I ensure that it get enough food etc to grow?
if you have any good suggestion or comment, please let me know
many thank in advance :)
first off what i would do is get a nice big ball of some form of floating stemmed plant, such as eloda densa, or hornwort (both these usualy work well. and let it float in one corner of the tank, the baby/s will generaly hise out in this, so al you do is put your nomal food in one side (away from the bush) and a much finer food in the other, so the babys get that while the other fish scoff the larger food
you should be able to catch them. i have just this week caught ten! 3mm long mollies. i would put him/her in a net or floating trap ( i use the latter) I would do this as the only reason we knew we has them is my partner saw one being eaten by another fish.

I have just released my first fry big enough not to get eaten from a previous birth and it is a great feeling. so good luck.
I'd get the little guy out of there and put him in a breeding/quarentine net that fits into your tank. Guppies love to make snacks out of little fry. :(
thanks for the advice
I tried to catch the little guy after coming back from work, and it was no way to be found :( maybe it is hiding somewhere, but I have a very bad feeling :( I should be more careful next time
I'd get the little guy out of there and put him in a breeding/quarentine net that fits into your tank. Guppies love to make snacks out of little fry. :(

hopefully just hiding. best to get a trap / net for next time. good luck for the future.

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