Just Shrimps :)


Fish Herder
Jun 1, 2006
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Please excuse my shaky hand photography :lol:







Very cool pics, the striped ones are very nice what are they.
Very nice pics-i hope that was a makro lens you were using else those shrimp would be huge!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couple of em look like cherries -am i right? They look like mine..............
Very nice.

Are these the shrimp in with the puffers?

Thanks :D . Yes, they are with my Dwarf Puffers. There are lots of tiny cherry shrimps so the adults are safe.

Very cool pics, the striped ones are very nice what are they.

Liam, I know you like your shrimps ;). They are Ninja shrimps (caridina serratirostris) bought as wrongly labelled blue tigers. Very interesting. They change colours completely and I don't even know which one is which. Only bought 4 but I can only see 2 at any time, if they come out that is. Very shy still.

Very nice pics-i hope that was a makro lens you were using else those shrimp would be huge!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couple of em look like cherries -am i right? They look like mine..............

Paul, I'm using macro-mode on a compact digital. Didn't resize the photos that's all :p Only the first picture is a cherry (male) on the left. The others are orange shrimps and Ninja shrimps.

Awsome pictures, wish my camera was that good!

Thanks :D Yeah, the camera is not bad for a compact. Shame that I can't hold it still though :lol:
Managed to take a better picture today :p

Ninja shrimp eating frozen brine shrimp

And this is for Liam. This is how the shrimps looked when I got them home. They were pretty colourless in the LFS tank.


Wow I wish my lfs could me ninjas. Whats the big orange one in the first pic and what kind of plant is that?

Great pics mate!!
Nice shrimp, what is that plant in the 2nd pic with the cherry on it?..........looks real nice.
Wow I wish my lfs could me ninjas. Whats the big orange one in the first pic and what kind of plant is that?

Great pics mate!!

Nice shrimp, what is that plant in the 2nd pic with the cherry on it?..........looks real nice.

Do you guys mean this pic?

The plant is willow moss. Very nice and it does look like willow tree. The orange shrimp is Caridina cf. propinqua I believe. I think some LFS call it sunset/sunkist shrimp.
The ninjas are beauties, excellent photo of the one eating the brine shrimp :good: . The orange shrimp grow quite big the ones I have are about as long as an amano male.
Thanks kewskills & oceanchic12 :D Shrimps are great :D

~T~, it's not Fissiden. Willow moss grows a lot faster. I have a few leaves of fissiden but I think they're dead :(

Liam, my two orange shrimps are bigger than my male Amano now. Hope they don't grow too big :lol: They seem to go hyper-active after lights out in the evenings. Don't know why but they just fly around like mad and I'm sure both are females :rolleyes:

Since I was so upset after losing my beloved Little Pea (dwarf puffer) :-(, I went and bought myself a few more Ninja shrimps to cheer myself up :blush: The new ones are not as colourful (last time I asked the staff to pick me the more colourful ones but didn't ask this time) but I hope they will colour up eventually in my tank :) Here's what they look like in the shop. Pretty colourless and unassuming.



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