Just Seen A Snail Trying To Get It On With My Other Snail


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
Or at least that's what I presume was going on.
A funny white organ protruded from my blue apple snail towards the purple one...it was reaching around inside of the purple snail.
And i've never seen this white organ/feeler thing before...so I came to the conclusion that it was a mating attempt.

I must say it's probably one of the most disgusting things i've ever ever seen.
Sounds like your blue apple snail put its penis (yes, male apple snails have a penis) into your purple apple snail.

Look out for an egg clutch :hyper:.
Babies = Yay :D

Ever seeing that again = :sick:

It really was horrible. Have you ever seen them 'mating' before? If you could call it that...

Edit: I thought they were all hermaphrodites too till last week. A quick google on apple snails said otherwise.
if they are breeding they stick together for about 12 hours

are you sure it wasn;t just the breathing tube cos thats pretty grose to lol
keep an eye out under the lid of your tank for a nice pinky egg clutch
and remember to keep it out of the water if the clutch falls in the water remove immediately as the snail embryos will drown :(
If the breathing tube is what I think it is then it wasn't that. It was on the opposite side. And I've seen what I presume to be the breathing tube on both of them. It's the same colour as their foot, and on the right if you were looking at them head on.
This white organ/feeler, was on the left if you were looking at them head on. And I certainly hadn't seen it before.

Btw if matings are meant to last much longer...then perhaps I have two boys? And my blue boy was just giving it a go. Or he's jus not grasped how to do it properly yet.
Either ways, I'm not too bothered about snail babies or no snail babies. It'd be nice, but I bought them because I thought they looked good and are pretty good at keeping stuff clean.
i know this is a strange question but can someone post a pic of this? my snails were stuck together for a few hours yesterday and i have no idea what they were doing >> ive never seen them stuck together before for that long
what i don't get it is,
aren't all snails hermaphrodites?

No far from it loads of species of snails are single sex and need both male and female to procreate. The male common garden snail fires a love dart at its partner load with an injection of sperm so you might want to think next time before picking one up as you could get shot by a hypodermic :crazy:.
Look what I found...not a huge surprise but...
Also as a side note, I'll try n get some pictures of the actual mating, but in detail to show you his bits n pieces. Not just the two snails attached. I figured it may be useful for some?


well i dont mind the tube stuff etc :shifty:
KEEP the tank covered or the eggs could dry up . they need humid air to keep them moist.
lol, I know, I only took the lid off to take a picture. It's plenty warm n humid enough in there for the lil guys.

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