Just Saying Hello


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi Everyone,

I've kept tropical fish for a few years but I have recently recycled my tank which also coincides with me finding this website.

I'd like to thank all the members who post questions and for all the members who answer them with some much detail. For the first time in years, I'm excited about keeping fish again.

I have a 4ft tank with a Fluval 405 and some daylight fluros. I've started out with some algae eaters and catfish. two weeks later I added a few mollies. Just before I introduced them I tested the water and found the nitritelevels a bit high. A little Prime with a 20% water change fixed all that and the new inhabitants seem to be doing fine.

I just wanted to say hi and I look forward to reading past articles and seeing your fantastic set-ups.

Talk soon


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