Just saw a zebra plec for sale on my LFS


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I saw them last week on my LFS and it was my first time seing it in person and they were gorgeous...... the only problem was that one zebra plec is on sale for about $240 canadian + taxe..... Are they that expensive or my LFS is way overprice?????
Wow. :blink: I heard they are expensive but didn't think it would go that high! Geez, it makes discus look cheap... :lol:
G_Sharky said:
I saw them last week on my LFS and it was my first time seing it in person and they were gorgeous...... the only problem was that one zebra plec is on sale for about $240 canadian + taxe..... Are they that expensive or my LFS is way overprice?????
by any chance u live in toronto and, u went to PJ's pets mart?

cause they were that price too :eek:
Ok, why are they that expensive? From what I have heard, they are breedable in aquarium environment, so there must be someone who is mass-breeding this species given their price... No?
Sounds about $40 too much.
Someone my husband was talking to said he would have one for me for about $200, and that was sending it from Calgary to Edmonton!
You might be able to bring your LFS down.
Rdelusion said:
That is way expensive!

I'm sure my LFS can get them for about £30-£40!
if they can - buy them...
they are about £100 average across the uk at the moment.
G'Day, first time here, the Zebra prices in Australia are $700 and the reason no one is mass producing them is you cant.
They have 7 to 15 per spawning are hard to raise and do not spawn often, there would be only a handle full of people in the world who have done so...... no l am not one of them :no:
There was a guy up in alberta one of the first to breed them aparently prices up here were down to $30 (from other members of a local forum) for them a while back but he doesn't do it anymore. The problem I see with breeding is with other catfish don't know about the zebra plec but they synos for example the most productive way I read for petricola is in an upsidedown jar filled with black marbles not the simplest thing
by any chance u live in toronto and, u went to PJ's pets mart?

cause they were that price too

no it's was at Big Al's the one in young and steeles.....they were pretty small too like around 3".... I remember before on a discus forum one guy was selling a tank bred one for $80 US.... but if i bought it, it would probably be alot more than the LFS priced if I ship it overnight via airplane....
G'Day, first time here, the Zebra prices in Australia are $700 and the reason no one is mass producing them is you cant.

Zebra plecs are becoming very, very expensive in Australia becuase they are now one of the many banned ornamental fish. No new fish can be imported, so it's really up to the few breeders in Australia to try and keep up with the high demand.
Doggfather said:
G'Day, first time here, the Zebra prices in Australia are $700 and the reason no one is mass producing them is you cant.

Zebra plecs are becoming very, very expensive in Australia becuase they are now one of the many banned ornamental fish. No new fish can be imported, so it's really up to the few breeders in Australia to try and keep up with the high demand.
I should retire to Australia and try to make a living out of breeding zebras... :lol:
astroboy said:
They're expensive because they are no longer exporting them out of brazil
they are still allowed to export them but they have been over fished to keep up with the demand of the asian market.

they are going to be placed on the list of regulated species - but that still means that they will be exported - just under tighter controls.

as for tank breeding - its not as hard as everyone is making out - you just have to be prepared to pamper to them and them alone - large(ish) species tank with 6/7 in there. a lot of outlay to start out.

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