Just rescued some fish from the lfs

I dont know =[ but they were the only ones left in the tank (besides some pearl gouramis) and so far they seem to get along swimmingly ;) Their back fins are supposed to have that red edge right? Thanks for the reply =]
BigFishSmallPond said:
I dont know =[ but they were the only ones left in the tank (besides some pearl gouramis) and so far they seem to get along swimmingly ;) Their back fins are supposed to have that red edge right? Thanks for the reply =]
None of my opalines ever had red on them so I don't know. I've never seen them have red on them either. An easy way to tell the gender is their dorsal fin, is it rounded and fairly short or is it more pointed and long? If they are more rounded they are female, if they are more pointed they are male and will probably fight over territory once they are older.

They can grow up to 6 inches but my biggest one was only 3-4 inches.
If they are two males, you could have some trouble in the future since they are in the 10 gallon together.

Albino cichlid


Hi BigFishSmallPond :)

Whew!!! I thought you had a problem there, :eek: but when the picture finally came up on my slow computer, I saw that you will be fine.

The gouramis are probably both male DWARF gouramis, and they will be only grow to be a couple of inches long. Your 10 gallon tank is a little on the small side and if you upgrade to a larger tank in the future, you should think of moving them. Gouramis can swim quickly for short distances and they like to have some room to move. Also, males might become aggressive toward each other.

These gouramis are bred to have interesting colors on them and the red is just their color. :thumbs:
Okie dokie. Yea like inchworm said they are dwarf gouramis and I think they can do fine in your 10 gallon. :nod:
Ok thanks for the input. I asked around to find out what was good for the 10 gallon before i grabbed them so I hope they are ok in there ;)

Ummm I say they are opaline cuz thats what they were on the tank at the store (wether thats correct or not who knows) but this link: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=35308

is for they dwarf gouramis and they definately had those (along with lil honey gouramis')
but mine dont look like that they are blueish with red fins. Do dwarf gouramis' come in many colors?

"Comments: Male fish of this species come in several color varieties, including Neon Blue,"

guess that answers my question ;)
BigFishSmallPond said:
Ok thanks for the input. I asked around to find out what was good for the 10 gallon before i grabbed them so I hope they are ok in there ;)

Ummm I say they are opaline cuz thats what they were on the tank at the store (wether thats correct or not who knows) but this link: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=35308

is for they dwarf gouramis and they definately had those (along with lil honey gouramis')
but mine dont look like that they are blueish with red fins. Do dwarf gouramis' come in many colors?

"Comments: Male fish of this species come in several color varieties, including Neon Blue,"

guess that answers my question ;)
Yea, are both of yours powder blue? I think they will be fine in the 10 gallon. :thumbs:

Cute little albino guy you got there. I want one for my community but don't know if they are aggressive or demand special water or anything. :dunno:
Yeah they are both powder blue =]

I LOVE my albino!!

Most relaxed happy fish in the tank. My other new one is black (black and white) and hes CRAZY. Constantly up and down on the glass all day and night haha. So I cant get a good pic of him yet. Those gouramis dont like getting their pic takin either soon as the camera comes out they start scootin around haha.

But the cichlids are getting along great they all shared peas this morning and since the yelllow is quite larger than them she has takin to mothering them. When the pleco got too close to the black one she kind of lightly bumped his tail with her nose to push him along and give the black fish some distance. Very happy with how they have got along. I have NEVER seen her move from the bottom of the tank to get food in 2 months. Last night when i fed the black one went right to the top and ate, which gave the yellow the idea and she was eating off the top with them haha. So everyone is teaching each other!
Cichlids are my favorite. Such color, such character. Grab an albino if you can they are just like the other fish ;)

BigFishSmallPond said:
Yeah they are both powder blue =]

I LOVE my albino!!

Most relaxed happy fish in the tank. My other new one is black (black and white) and hes CRAZY. Constantly up and down on the glass all day and night haha. So I cant get a good pic of him yet. Those gouramis dont like getting their pic takin either soon as the camera comes out they start scootin around haha.

But the cichlids are getting along great they all shared peas this morning and since the yelllow is quite larger than them she has takin to mothering them. When the pleco got too close to the black one she kind of lightly bumped his tail with her nose to push him along and give the black fish some distance. Very happy with how they have got along. I have NEVER seen her move from the bottom of the tank to get food in 2 months. Last night when i fed the black one went right to the top and ate, which gave the yellow the idea and she was eating off the top with them haha. So everyone is teaching each other!
Cichlids are my favorite. Such color, such character. Grab an albino if you can they are just like the other fish ;)

Yea, I might not get one because I am getting discus and I have to avoid very active fish. :p But sounds like your yellow lab was lonely and now is much happier now that you got him/her some friends! :thumbs:
Heres a better pic of my gouramis: =]

Believe it or not it IS blue dunno why it looks green in the pic =]

and here is a shot of my wiley other new cichlid:

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