Just purchased 2 dwarf gourmamis


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
British Columbia - Canada
I just got 2 dwarf gouramis tonight and love them so much, they add nice colour to my tank. Here's my question... my tank is 96G and 7 feet long, in the 4 and a half hours i've had them they haven't even seemed to notice any other fish, some have even been following them and they don't care...do you guys think i can get 2 more?
look at my profile for the list of fishies in there now
here's a pic of my tank - Thanks

dwarfs can be agressive but given there own space should be ok
a little off topic here but
you only have 1 neon tetra they should be in groups of at LEAST 5 or more
and cories are the same.
I'd definitely add atleast 5 more neons, and 2-3 more cories too. You'll love how active they are when they are in groups!
I'd wait and make sure the gouramis aren't going to get nippy with each other for a week or so before you add anymore. And I'd only add 1 at a time then, to be sure. You don't want to overload the tank and have them all fighting, then you'll have to return some, ya know?
That's just my suggestion, for what it's worth.
BTW, I love the tank!!!
hey there,
About the tetra's
There WAS 10 but the danios ate them all one by one til there was 1 remaining.
I'm going to get more
And the corie, i got the cory with the tank and am also planning on getting 2 more.
I'll wait a week and add another dwarf if i don't see any aggression. Nothing as of yet so i'm pretty optimistic!
Sorry i can't really help you with your question, as i want a new dwarf gourami myself, but i have to say...

I absolutely LOVE your tank. :drool: Could you try to get some pictures of your fish?
Nice tank! More dwarfs would be fine. Just watch that if you ever decide to add females, the females should outnumber the males. Also, don't get more than 9 dwarfs altogether if you want to remain on the safe side.

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