Just one baby or more on the way?


New Member
Apr 11, 2020
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Hi everyone,
I spotted a baby guppy a couple of days ago (please see pic.)
We have 3 females and one male, I think the two red tailed girls look pregnant, just not sure if this little fry was a one off or poss more on the way?! ‍♀️
Hoping nothing is wrong with the girls. Please see photos, any helpful insight very welcome- thank you
If you only found one baby, then most likely all the others were eaten. Guppies are cannibals and the parents will hunt and eat the babies. It looks like it was your yellow female that gave birth, and your 2 red ones will probably have theirs soon. You can ty and save the babies, but keep in mind that all 3 females will have close to 10 or 15 fry every month, so you will need to find someone who will take them.
Congratulations on your fry. I started out with 8 young guppies (feeder) and in a few months I had a tank full. After awhile they learn not to eat the fry. I had 80-90 guppies in a 30 gallon tank. They can breed like rabbits. When my 8 young guppies grew up I found out I had 1 male and 7 females-he had a great time:wub: I had to move them in with my turtles.
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Thank you for the reply. The yellow fish has always looked a bit less pregnant then the two red and she’s not been as dark or as big but obviously I’m new to this so could be wrong. I’m just worried the little guy might have come from one of the red and they not birthed the rest, they look happy though, I know there’s nothing I can do to help them and it’s all down to nature. Just wondering ( and lots of tank checking)
It is not unusual for them to have several small groups of fry over a week or two. Depending on how safe and relaxed they feel. If there are places for them to hide or a lot of plants that helps. But like @FishFinatic77 pointed out you could have more than you want before you know it. When my guppies started having fry it was just a few, after awhile there were 9-12 at a time.
It could be either cannibalism or spread out births or both :)
lack of plants means the babies have nowhere to hide, and if the adult fish are hungry, they will eat the babies straight after they are born.
Fry update... so today mummy red fish gave birth to 15 plus little guys! I was able to catch 5 with the net and have put them in the mini tank till they get bigger. The rest where ever eaten or swam off to hide in the plants... I guess time will tell as to if we have more then the 5 I saved. Thanks for all the replies everyone

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