Just Need An Opinion On This Substrate

Looks ok I guess. If it does what the description says it does then I guess it should help out more than hurt. Or you planning on putting it in with live sand as well to create a live bed? I think that would be the best probably, but Im not all that experienced with saltwater. But I would say the substrate looks ok :good:
I was actually just planning on using this substrate, no live sand simply because of cost issues :unsure:
Not keen myself, but that's just becasue I prefer a more "sandy" look.

Wouldn't worry too much about live sand, as long as your rock is of good quality, it'll seed the sand in no time.
IMO, i dont like it one bit :rolleyes: i would not buy live sand but just buy dried aragonite sand, best colour sand for marine, it also gets seeded by the LR and becomes a small filter, PLUS all the fish and inverts prefer it to live apon.

Here is the link http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod...p;N=2004+113554
Granted its a little pricey but you wont be unhappy with it and remember once its in, its a nightmare to get out so make a wise choice :D

EDIT: I forgot to say dont buy normal freshwater aquarium sand as the properties can give off phosphates and other bad influences in the tank where aragonite doesnt it only gives off good ones such as calcium and PH.
No meridian Oolitic. Oolitic sand is exceptionally fine grain and is a PAIN to maintain. It kicks up into the water column really easy, not a good idea IMO.
You too huh? Well, perhaps this info I wrote for another member living in that area might be helpful to you too :)

CDMAS (Capital District Marine Aquarium Society) is near Albany and a pretty active club. Membership seems to be very local to albany and doesnt spread far beyond.

URSNY (Ubstate Reef Society of New York) is the club I'm involved with, we've got most of our membership in Buffalo and Rochester, but extend out towards Syracuse, Albany, Finger Lakes, and even Binghampton and Erie PA.

Kind of two different entities. CDMAS is a formal club through and through, URS is a very loose-knit group with a formal group within (URSNY) which we hope will help bring more events/speakers to the area like what we've got planned at the seneca park zoo on the 31st of march.

Thats kind of a really quick rundown of the upstate clubs. There are ones for the NYC area I'm sure, but I dont know what they are.

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