Just lost one of my clowns

Craig m

New Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
newcastle upon tyne uk
got in from work this morning looked in my tank as normal and everything was fine. I have or had two clown fish and a couple of cleaner shrimps in as i have just started my tank.
Anyway both clowns were swimming around as usual but when i put there morning food in one of them started to swim out of control sideways upside down. Then he fell to the bottom of the tank. He also seemed to be breathing quicker than usual aswell.
He then managed to swim again for a bit but could not control where he was going so i took him out with some water from the tank and put him in a bucket to see if he would recover.
unfortunatley he died. i done all my tests again ph,amonia,nitrite. they all came out in the right parameters.

anyone got any ideas. he seemed ok and happy til i fed them im upset and stumped..... :-(
Bummer about your clown dude.

If it is not your water params, could it be shock. It sounds asthough he went pretty quick. Is there anything that could have done this?
hi mate

Thats what i was thinking some sort of shock? All i done was put there food in and when he went for it thats when it happened.
hmmm, i dunno then. I have no idea. Maybe wait and see what someone else thinks. It may have been shock from being put in. U did say you were new to fish keeping didnt you? if so, how long has he ben in your tank?
Im new to marine fish keeping? i kept freshwater for a few years prior to this.
The clowns have been in the tank 10 days so it could be this. Rang my lfs today and they seem baffled too. think he must have been a weak fish.

Will have to pick another clown up at the weekend my others lost on his own :sad:
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P. :-( Did you have anything on your hands that might have been harmful? (Soap residue, lotion, etc.) I usually rinse my hands in fresh water really well before I feed my fish or put my arms in the tank. In the ocean it's not that much of a problem because it's so huge, but in an aquarium even the tiniest amount of something can hurt them. Maybe he had a heart attack? Could have been a number of things.
i was arranging my tank then washed my hands with soap then decided to feed my fish i lost a cromis but my clown survived it may have been contaminants on your hands be carfull i learned the hard way :-(
I had just taken a shower but im pretty much sure i washed my hands prior to handling there food as i always do.
But if there has been something that has caused him dying i suppose i've learned the hard way and a valuable lesson.
Sorry for your loss. I know how you feel when you lose a much loved fish. :sad:

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