Just Looked In My Filter

Phil Crane

New Member
Oct 5, 2011
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Noticed this when i got my tank in the filter i have the usual filter pads and on the very top i have like the type pf material you get in a blanket but in a square piece flattened into a square. now majority of the crap seems to be building up on the top of this now is this worth keeping there so it catches all the crap or should i remove that?
It's known as filter floss or a polishing pad as it catches the majority of tiny particles in your tank water. They are designed to be replaced every month or so, but tbh, i just really wash mine well in old tank water and put it back in the filter.
I noticed this when I got my tank. In the filter, I have the usual filter pads and on the very top I have the type of material you get in a blanket but in a piece flattened into a square. The majority of the crap seems to be building up on the top of this. Is this worth keeping there so it catches all the crap or should I remove it?

I edited your post a little to make it easier to read. You should rinse your filter pads in dechlorinated water (or old tank water from a water change) to get the loose gunk off of it, then replace it where it was in your filter. Your filter pads grow important bacteria, so you don't want to throw them away, but you do want to wash the gunk off every once in a while. Do NOT rinse the filter pads in tap water if your tap water contains chlorine because that will kill the bacteria and have a negative effect on your tank's bio filter.
ok thanks guys just done a 25% change and done that before i posted so thats good
I read this as if its near the inlet?

If its an external, take it away from the inlet and position it so its the last piece of media the water passes through, it'll stop it clogging up so quick, and just catch the finer stuff.

If its an internal, it might be a little trickier to get it to be the last bit of media, most sort of send it everywhere!
I read this as if its near the inlet?

If its an external, take it away from the inlet and position it so its the last piece of media the water passes through, it'll stop it clogging up so quick, and just catch the finer stuff.

If its an internal, it might be a little trickier to get it to be the last bit of media, most sort of send it everywhere!

It's a juwel internal so it goes on the top.

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