just got the angel fish day before yesterday.


Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
St.Louis, MO
It stays in one place of the tank and will occasionally swim somewhere else but not often. t's not eaten for 2 days . I just got him 2 days ago. Food is like right next to it's outh but it isn't eating. I have some tropical flake food from wardley and it has a picture of an angelfish on it. So is it eating while I'm not looking or something. I have a black skirt tetra, a black female molly, a red wag platy, and a male blue paradise gourami. I have three plastic plants. A fake decorative rock in the middle. It's a 29 gallon. THe angel doesn't show any signs of diseases. I know fish can survive like for quite a while without food but i still want to know as soon as possible how to help the angel. Or whats causing it.
well with not eating i have no idea maybe try giving diiferent food or go to where you got the angel, and ask them what they feed it. but usally all of my angels i had over the years stayed mostly in one place!!! :huh: i hoped this helped
hi fishdude. :D

is your tank cycled, if you have test kit, test your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, i know that angel don't like bad water conditions.

i just bought three a week ago and mine are eating flakes like little piggys, they love to explore the tank and they very seldom stay in one place.

if everything checks out with your water, you might consider taking it back, their might be something wrong with it. :sad:
I say if your water checks out, give him awhile to settle in and adjust to your tank. Many fish won't eat the first few days they are home, or even the first few weeks. When I brought home my cherry barbs, I didn't see them eat for probably at least month. I was sure they were going to starve. I think at first they were just too stressed to eat, but eventually were just picking at stuff that fell to the bottom. If your fish gets hungry enough, and he's healthy, he'll eat. Give him some time and keep an eye on him.
My frontosa were the same way....except the one day I noticed they were only eating in the dark. Of course I did research after the fact and found out they were night hunters (bad me) Still though they eat like pigs all the time now!!!
They just didn't like ME at first is probably it! heh heh. :lol: :D ;)
It's actually not at all uncommon for an angelfish to refuse to eat, especially if it's a new fish. Sometimes they go on hunger strikes; this is most often caused by a monotonous diet. More likely is that the breeder who raised your angel was feeding it some prime foods, like bloodworms and mosquito larvae, so it would grow quickly and convert into $$ faster. If your angel still isn't eating by tomorrow, try tempting it with something like frozen bloodworms, or any live food. I have found it's often necessary to slowly acclimate them to flake and dry food, but my angels all accept anything I feed now. Let us know how it goes. :thumbs:
Yea I wouldn't worry about it. My sister got this little baby angel, and for like a week he was a wimp. Covering in the corner of the tank, not eating at all. Now he is fine though, he was just adjusting.
yeah most new fish are very scred when they first are introduced to the tank because there not sure if something is gunna come around the courner and eat em. So give him a couple of days and begin to feed him alittle and see if he nibbles at it and your all good. GOOD LUCK :alien:
well he died. Sadly. rip. :-( :-( :-( sighhhhhh I didn't even get to name it yet. Thanks for all the help anyway. I'm trying to notice why it died. It's body looks a little more whiteish. Oh i forgot it's a marble angel. Must hold in tears.

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