Welcome to the forum Teddybear.
The fishless cycle is not about getting the tank set up with a filter and heater in it. It is about getting the filter ready to keep your fish from being poisoned by their own wastes. Fish produce ammonia as a biological process byproduct and release it into the water mostly through their gills. Unfortunately, we do not keep them in large rivers or streams where that ammonia can be diluted easily, so the fish end up seeing it build up in the water. That build can quickly kill a fish if the filter is not ready to remove it. The filters that we buy for our tanks are just hardware. There is a whole set of testing skills that you will need to develop, along with some understanding of the processes that go on in your water before you will be able to complete a fishless cycle.
Back to the starting point. The nitrogen cycle in the natural setting is simple but not so simple. Wastes of all kinds including fish respiration at their gills and decaying organic matter produce ammonia. Bacteria exist that can use the ammonia for their own needs but in the process will convert ammonia to nitrites. Nitrites are also poisonous to fish but, fortunately for us, bacteria also exist that use nitrites and convert it in the process to nitrates. Nitrates are absorbed by plants for their growth and are also converted by anaerobic bacteria to simple nitrogen gas. The part that converts to nitrogen ends up back into the atmosphere where it really started before becoming part of something that the fish ate. The part that goes into plant growth eventually ends up being eaten by something and again becomes decaying waste. The cycle is complete.
We do not have the room or the time to wait for a complete nitrogen cycle in our tanks so we short circuit it. We encourage the ammonia processing bacteria and the nitrite processing bacteria to grow in our filters. Once they are well established, we control the much less toxic nitrates by doing water changes and some of us also grow some plants to help slow down the nitrate build. In the aquarium hobby, we say that a tank is cycled when it has a filter capable of dealing with ammonia and leaving behind only nitrates. Please take the time to read the threads about fishless cycling and if you are still not convinced it is the best way to go, read up on how to do a fish-in cycle. Regardless of what you do, the tank will cycle on its own. The difference that you can make is how many fish will die before it is finished.