just got blue and red dwarf gouramis


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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I'm new to tropical fish however I have been keeping cold water fish for years. Yesterday I bought 2 gouramis. They are so cute. The pet store lady wasn't much good with information on them so I wanted to get some info here.

The food reccomended was just your run of the mill tropical fish flakes which they are eating . And the temp of the water at the store was 70.

My tank is a 55gal (cycled) tank.

my plan for future fish is:
3-4 angels
blue and red dwarf gouramais (not sure how many I can have i have 2 now)
4-6 guppies
and some sort of algea eater (i haven't made up my mind yet)

Any other suggestion for tank mates would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

Congrats on the Gourami's I didn't like mine at first but they are such friendly peaceful fish that they have really grown on me. I don't have experience with guppies or algae eaters but I would like to put forward some points on the angels, Firstly:

Don't believe what some people say about the angels getting aggressive towards the Gourami's I have a Peruvian Silver Angel in with my Red Dwarf Gourami and those two are inseparable. The Gourami follows the Angel like a little sheep and watching them roam around the tank in formation is a very cute sight indeed!

Secondly I would suggest getting at least one of the angels in now, while it is young and get it used to the company of the Gourami. In the past I have found them not to be hostile towards Gourami but if they grow up knowing what each other look like etc then you will probably have a far happier tank. One angel in for a month or so then followed by the rest would probably be my preferred option. But that's just my opinion of course!

Happy fish keeping!

Thanks for the angel info. I am going to the LFS on saturday or sunday to get one angel so there hopefully won't be any problems with future ones.

I also inherited 2 guppies on tuesday (male and female) and they get along great with the gouramis.

Good luck, I personally find Angels one of the most satisfying fish to keep. Post a Pic if you can when you get it!

yeah i have 2 angels in my 65 gallon and i haven't seen an ounce of aggresion out of them and their getting to be a decent size now :thumbs:

if you can get them a little as possibe that would be a good idea
I bought a pair of dwarf gouramis at the w/e - i love mine too. :) I was told that flake was fine but once a week I should treat them to some bloodworm. I bought the frozen bloodworm and they seemed to enjoy that (not as much as my glowlight tetras - who are always first to any food :rolleyes: ) They seem to like picking at my plants too - though they haven't done any damage.

From what I've read, the males can be quite territorial so I'm not sure what would be a good number for you to have.

I've also got a couple of platies & a bristlenose plec (great for algae and fun to watch) in my tank. They're all getting on fine so far.

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