Just Got Back From My First Ever Fish Auction.....


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Well, what a fun day we had !! I have spent a little under £100 and here is my list of purchases !

A bag of 40 guppy fry
6 Cory Axelrodi
3 Aspidoras C125
2 Venezulan Black Corys
4 Panda Cory
1m 2f Snakeskin Guppys
1pr Characadon Laterails
4pr Dalmation Gambusia Holbrocki
3pr half black guppys
5 male red Copper Guppys
2 Albino Bristlenose (sorry widget i had to, he was selling them off at a £1 for 2 ! LOL)
1pr Neon Blue guppys
1pr bleeding heart platys
1pr Xiph Clemenciate (Puento Chinio Luiz)
3pr Black bar endlers
2pr Poecilia wingei

i had SUCH fun outbiding EVERYONE for the corys. it got to the point where when they got corys out, the auctioner just looked straight at me LMAO!!


all in all i came away with 92 fish !
Thats a cracking bargain. I hope you got a nice large quarentine tank to put them in before adding to mature tanks ;)
Hope you have a very large tank then, lol.
God, I didn't even know there were fish auctions! How do you find out about them?
Congrats on buying a nice selection of fish! :good:
DE and wilder, i currently have 14 tanks up and running in my house. i also have a further 43 in my garden for the fish house i am constructing and i also run addtional filters in many of my tanks and if needs be, i can set another tank up and running in about 15 mins. i am also fully aware of quarantining new fish as should all members of the forum be.

stang, get in touch with your local aquatic socitey... they will let you know where and when they are.
Ok spooky sounds great then, just was abit worried, lol.
Damn that alot of fish!!! They sound really nice. I wonder if australia has fish auction? :S Cant wait for pics of ur fish house spooky sound awesome
DE and wilder, i currently have 14 tanks up and running in my house. i also have a further 43 in my garden for the fish house i am constructing and i also run addtional filters in many of my tanks and if needs be, i can set another tank up and running in about 15 mins. i am also fully aware of quarantining new fish as should all members of the forum be.

stang, get in touch with your local aquatic socitey... they will let you know where and when they are.

Nice i fancy a fish house and some larger tanks at some point ;)
Took a look and it will look great when its finished.
Nice haul! :good: I love fish auctions, they are one of the most enjoyable part of aquatics for me. If you go to them on a regular basis you run into the same people. It's fun to get together a few times a year to talk shop with folks who understand the hobby.
Nice haul! :good: I love fish auctions, they are one of the most enjoyable part of aquatics for me. If you go to them on a regular basis you run into the same people. It's fun to get together a few times a year to talk shop with folks who understand the hobby.

i'll be going to many more from now on i can assure you of that !! the guy did say though that that was the last one of "the season" which seems strange to me cause to me, this is trops season now. LFS's cut down on the pond fish they get in at this time of year over here. its strange... still, i reckon there will be some on somewhere that i can pillage LOL
They do run seasonally here as well. From sometime in August until late September is the first run. The don't have any until January due to the holidays, they then run until sometime in May. You don't find any during the summer.

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