just got an used 10 gallon tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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along with 4 dwarf puffers, I wanted 6 or 8 but they didn't have enough. I'll most likely get another 4 unless suggested otherwise

I threw my common pelco in there hoping it'll help clean up the tank. I figured that's okay because of the armor it bears, I hope?

I have seachem flourite as gravel taken from my 20 gallon tank. the gravel was 4 inchs tall

so.... any advice or comments?
yah but I read somewhere that you can have 6 to 8 dwarf puffers if it's in a 10 gallon

any reason why not more than 4? the tank is going to be covered with java moss so agression amongst each other shouldn't be a problem

I won't have any other fish except the pelco, unless you think it doesn't belong in there
Dwarf puffers need at least 2 gallons per fish, with 3 gallons being even better. I would not keep more than 5 maximum in a 10-gallon.
The puffers will also probably start fighting if there is that many in a 10 gallon, unless you have about 20 hiding places and territories for them. Even then they would make a lot of waste to be taken care of. Just the 3 in my tank get into fights every so often. Also, aren't common plecs too big for a 10 gallon, or do you have another tank to put it in?
Take the Common Plec out. It is a big fish (18 inches) and can't licve in a 10 gallon. I would buy 1 male and 3 female Dwarf Puffers or 2 Dwarf Puffers (1 male, 1 female) and 2 Bumblebee Gobies (1 male, 1 female). That would be a nice tank.
I just recently purchased 3 dwarfs for my 10 gallon. Thinking of the forums, i asked my local petsmart employee how many of them i could keep in the 10. Actually I ended up asking 2 people just for the fun of it. The first person said, "10 easily"...the 2nd said 10-12 without a problem...Uh oh -_-
the common pelco is still very small, maybe 3 or 4 inch and I'm try to give it away for free. I am going to run a recycler ad if no one take it away from me

I have a big lump of java moss in there and I can hardly find the puffers or the pelco
I wouldn't put any more than 3 dwarfs in a 10 gal, even with that amount you'll still need a VERY good filter (especially with the pleco as they put a big strain on the bioload). Your filter should be able to cycle the tank water about 5 times an hour... puffers are very messy.

Your pleco will definately need rehousing I've seen pics on here of commons getting over 3'...yup thats right over 36". If you want a clean up fish thats compatible get a dwarf pleco like an ancistrus (bristlenose pleco), they only grow to about 5".

Honestly though if you put 6 in there, you'll have fights, then the water quality will deterioate and they'll start dying...and thats as long as there is enough dissolved oxygen in the tank for them.
the pelco is like 4 inch right now haha

I just put up an ad on recycler hope someone with a bigger tank will take him for free
I'd have to agree with everyone else...eventhough they are small, dwarf puffers can be grumpy little fish.

And they only get more tempermental and territorial as they get older. Four should be just right for a ten gallon with lots of hiding places.

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