Just Got A Vampire Shrimp Aka Giant African Filter Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2008
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I took a 2 hour drive today to check out http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/index.web?...rm=thatpetplace

This place is crazy, it's the size of a Home Depot, their selection and variety is nuts!!

Thier prices are pretty good as well, some of the best prices I have come across.

Well, I picked up a shrimp that they called a Brown Wood Shrimp, but they clerk helping me confirmed my thought that it was a Vampire Shrimp/Giant African Shrimp. What threw me was every picture I have ever seen of them looked like this:


So naturally I was not impressed and never thought of getting one, however, some of the ones I saw were blue like this:



Mine is actually a darker blue, sorry I could not get a pic today as he is hiding right now while he is adjusting to his new home.

Best part is most people sell these for between $12.99 and $16.99, but I got him for $7.99!! :good:
I have one too. If I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up about seeing it much - VERY shy, especially for something that looks so mean!
I have one too. If I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up about seeing it much - VERY shy, especially for something that looks so mean!

Well two of his hiding spots of choice so far, allow me to see him, just not good eough to take a good pic.
I have one too. If I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up about seeing it much - VERY shy, especially for something that looks so mean!

Well two of his hiding spots of choice so far, allow me to see him, just not good eough to take a good pic.

Ah that's good. I made mine a really nice slate cave, but he walked in, walked out again and adopted the bog wood instead, where I can't see him at all :rolleyes:
I have had three of these now - gorgeous but im not having any more as they are SO sensitive to medication, water quality, stress..

The last one i had, i had for nearly 3 years, originally in a pair but I so SO stupidly put some plants in that it turns out had been treated with snail killer.. (grr!) prior to packing (grr!), without rinsing them.

One (and im fairly sure it was female) died despite my best efforts but the other recovered after a week in a quarantine tank and a LOT of watere changes in his normal tank.

Things I found with them - despite their size they are REMARKABLE hiders, these guys would win any world championships hide and seek stakes!

Once they have found somewhere they like, sneakily move a bit of bogwood around slightly so you can see into it. If there is a decent current in the tank and a clear area of substrate around their chosen home, they will poke their heads out and wave their fans around to feed from their 'base camp'.

They are VERY clumsy and really do not move well at all. A clear area of substrate and plants spaced so they cannot get trapped is vital. On the flip side, a tank must be fairly well planted and not too bright or they will just hide all the time.

If your shrimp is hurtling about the tank, swimming up and down the tank glass, he is stressed. Stress kills shrimp fast so pay attention! Check your water parameters, is it too bright, are other tank inmates upsetting him?

Do not 'faff' with your tank, once your shrimp has settled and found his home, leave things be unless it is absolutely necessary to change something.

Otherwise.... enjoy (and the blue ones ARE beautiful!).
Its a shrimp I would love to own... I think he might be too big and clumsy for my planted tank though :(

Good luck with him. :good:

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