Just got a new tank!


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
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Somewhere over the rainbow...
I just got a new tank! It's made of glass, and has no cover. I got a very small filter. It's a tad bigger than the plastic container I got for my betta, and this one is a TANK. Made for fish. I'm pretty sure it's well over a gallon, but not two gallons. I just don't know. I'm new to keeping other fish other than bettas, so I need to know what fish will do well in it. And how many. Thanks!
sounds great. lots of happy fish keeping to look forward to.
Things I'd wish I'd done :
1) read all the things I now know -before I bought any fish.

DO read the stuff above- about cycling if you haven't already
...and the other stuff as well...
I particularly recommend a dwarf gourami, robust fish that won't outgrow its tank. I also rate swordtails as they seemed to survive my incompetance. but just check on how many fish you can keep in your tank. (how big is it?) and check their fully grown size!!
..and go slowly add perhaps a fish a week or less. not only does it prevent them all dying but it gives you the time to read up about what sort of fish is easy to kep and how to keep them.

have fun:
so is your new tank between a gallon and two gallons in volume? first you have to figure out its exact volume and then you can think of what fish to add. but i'm afraid you can only have one or two fish in a tank so small, if in fact it is so small
what are the tanks dimensions? (length, width, and depth) then we can helpyou figure out the volume. that needs to be done first before we can suggest fish for it. as for a filter, penn plax makes one called a small world filter and it runs around $4-$6, and is perfect for small tanks (see link):
(under filters/submersible)
What kinda fish you into?

I like livebearers
I suggest getting platies

Get 3 platies (1 male and 2 females)

they will breed and you will have a colony soon!
Just got three guppies. They ate, too. The filter is running, and the guppies are swimming around. But they don't stop. They keep darting around the tank, and pushing against the side. So I guess that guppies are very...um...hyper?
I would also buy 3 plattys if i were you. Just make sure you cycle your tank first. I made the error already. No matter what, cycling your tank with fish already living in it is next to impossible to save your fish after they have already been poisoned. Uncycled tanks kill fish slowly...quite sad really.

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