Just got a Gold Nugget pleco


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
Well, I went to my favorite LFS today to pick up my bristlenose pleco they guy opver there had ordered for me.

Truens out he had ordered 15 but they were all sick, so the store he was fetting it from (it is a chain store) didn't send them out.

Instead, he showed me a Gold Nugget pleco and he told me I was lucky they still had one, cause all the fish section employees were broke! :lol: So I got it!

He's just hiding under a rock right now. I hope everything will be ok in there and that he gets along with my whiptail!
They are very good looking fish I really want one but they are £26.00 in my lfs and I hear that they are not as hardy as the plainer plecs maybe one day. :cool:
Most L number plecs are shyer and less hardy than more common plecs.

But IMO much more attractive, i got a Gold nugget last weekend from my LFS and although he is quite shy, he's found himself a little hidey hole right at the front of my tank :D. as one of there best customers an occasional emloyee i got him at cost price (£9.00) :hyper:

They also have an L18 who is the last one they have, he's in with some common plecs and is looking very shabby, tiny and bullied :( .

So after major disscusions with the boss, and me making him feel very guilty, he decided that if no-ones has paid the £21 asking price by saturday, i can have him for free.
:hyper: :hyper: :rofl: :D :D

don't you just love customer loyalty schemes :lol:
u guys are lucky.... gold nugget pleco over here is $300NZ or more most of the time. and we hardly ever get any other pleco other then common and BN

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