Just Got 3 More Neon Tetras!

I just want to say that I hope you are quarantine the new Neons. They often have some ick. I bought some lutino Neons about a month ago from the store and after few days they were covered with ugly white spots. Thanks God for the quarantine tank, and they all recovered and I didn't lose any of the 6 I bought. I also got some blue tinted silicon on the tank from the medication but it was small price to pay than contaminate the old fish with this awful parasite.

OK, the way to sex the Neon is you need to look the shape of the fish when they grow to be adult size. Of course, the fish have to healthy and well fed. Then it is so easy to tell which is which. The adult female would be much plump than male. Whichever you look, from the side or the top, the female simply much fatter than male. You can see her stomech stick out as well as wider(when you look the female from the top, you see the white stomech area sticking out from the rest of black/olive colored body which you don't see when you see the male).
Another way to sex them is by the line thar runs along their body. If it is curved then it's female, completely straight and it's a male. :good:
hmm this means i have two females and a male then.. lol....

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