Just did a 25% water change


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
B.C., Canada.
I have a UGF and I hear they are garbage so maybe this is why. I just did a water change with gravel vac and i found when i poured the new water in it kicked up ALOT of debris from the gravel. To the point the tank looks worse than when i started. MUCH worse. I spose it will all settle again but is this a sign i need a better filter?
How strange... Um, I can't offer any info, except that it never happened to me...

I'm sure someone will have some advice shortly.
Too be expected. No need to worry too much about it. If it looks really bad then it may be worth having a full-on clear-out. It should settle, but continue checking your water quality (nitrite, nitrates etc).

Hope this helps. :)
it happens now and again, well it does to me anyway :crazy:

It settles within an hour or so, until the filter manges to clear it.
This happens to me sometimes as well. The good thing about it though is that my filter ends up taking what doesn't settle back in and it gets filtered out...my water always looks great after an hour or so...

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