Just Curious

Jerry Sem

New Member
Sep 16, 2022
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Does anyone cover their Aquariums at nite to block ambient light from the TV's or lamps in the tank room, giving the fish a darkened rest period ? I was wondering if it was necessary to have complete darkness for our fish.
My aquariums are in the lounge, so are in total darkness from around 4pm til 4am. I go into the other room to watch TV in the evening. My TV stays on all night in the other room.

When I had aquariums in the other room too I used to put bath towels over the aquariums to block out the TV being on all night.
No reason to cover tanks at night, unless trying to maintain tank temps in unheated tanks
I think my friend Byron would say that fish need a period of total darkness. That's probably most desirable but I have a 60 gallon in my living room and it tends to get some room light in the evening. But then again by one or 2:00 a.m. it's pretty dark.
My aquarium lights are off at mid-night. I either game or watch late nite TV till about 2am, I was wondering if the additional light effected anything. I have a blackout tarp thats lite weight, so I've been draping over my tank when I do play or watch
Just go to bed when it gets dark. Problem solved, unless your fish insist on watching TV, too. :lol:
I was made to feel very guilty about the TV being on all night in the bedroom

Two aquariums used to be in there and the TV is not a small one (49")....the fish made it perfectly clear that they did not appreciate the TV lighting up their territory at night

I did try to compromise by using subtitles and not the sound but that was not good enough for them.......they would constantly splash about and make as much noise as they could......so covering the aquariums meant that I could watch TV when unable to sleep and they were quiet and in the dark.

Fish rule our lives you know......they set the boundaries and rules.....we have no say in it whatsoever......they are in charge, or they throw tantrums and get stroppy at the next water change ;)
While I cover my bird I do not do with my fish. I have small lights under my stove's hood so there is some ambient light all night long but not much.

The way I see it is even in the wild it is likely that there will be some ambient light unless the water is heavily canopied by trees. Unless heavily overcast I would think there is normally some ambient light from the moon even if not always

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