Just Curious Of An Oddball For A 20-30 Gallon


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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i have a dresser that can hold a 20 high or regular and maybe a 30 high is there any cool and different type of oddballs that can fit in this perferably a live food eater just curious as i would llike to get another tank this summer and i am looking at all my possibiltys so far i have narrowed it down to SW tank some sort of a meateating fish or oddball type of fish people dont usually see or raise a bunch or babies in it so if anybody knows of a meat eater or a strange fish that could fit in any of those 3 tanks let me know please thanks
an african butterfly fish?
i think you could get away with a Polypterus Senegalus

have to ask the people on here though :)
would that be a senegal bichir if it is i already did research on it needs a minimum of a standard 30 gallon not a 30 gallon high

dont really want a lobster or puffers
would a african butterfly fish get along with the fish in my tank or would it have some of them for a snack
so your saying the guppies will probably get eaten thats what i had thought

Im saying my ABF's have snacked on fry up to an inch long before, that are bottom dwellers (or meant to be), so I would think a slow moving guppy would end up eaten.
How about a pair of Eretmodus cyanostictus? they are goby-like Tanganyikan cichlids. I hear they are real characters. They look cool too. They need a sand substrate, specific water chemistry and agitated water like from a pump. To me they look like marine fish.
No on the senegal...a high tank isn't really the best option for them. They could be kept in a 30g but it would have to be one with a larger footprint as this is 12in. of fish laying on the bottom. Goo obo gudgeons?
ok both answers thats what i thought and yes i was not going to put a senegal in there but i am stil doing research on a good fish/s but i am not sure if i want to get some of the fish you said exiled i will have to look into them though
Purple spotted gudgeon would work. They are really cool. Heres a list of some ot her fish that you may or may not be interested in: Chaca chaca, Congo puffer, South American leaf fish(VERY sensitive and hard to take care of), Exodon tetras(maybe im not sure on them), African Butterfly fish.

There is probably more and ill add to the list if i think of any.

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