Just Curious Can I Use Fish Instead Of Shrimps?


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
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I used the wrong ammonia once and I don't want to try to go to look for that pure ammonia again. I want to use a tiger barbs as my option for cycling my tank but before I give that option a chance can I use a piece of fish instead of shrimps? I don't have any frozen or fresh for now and I will go for grocery shopping on Friday. So I wonder if I could start using regular fish by the time I got the shrimps I can just add on it.

I have washed my tank with vinegar for the whole week and I am sure it is fine now to start over but I feel like wasting the whole week I ‘d rather start u p with something but I wonder if the fish work as the same as shrimp.
If your asking can you use shrimp instead of fish, welllll you could but they'll die.

They are way more sensitive than fish
If your asking can you use shrimp instead of fish, welllll you could but they'll die.

They are way more sensitive than fish

No I want to use frozen shrimps or a piece of fish but if that doesn't work that is the time I will use live fish (tiger Barbs). I wonder if frozen fish works the same as frozen shrimps? i read so many people use shrimps but I never see anywhere frozen or fresh fish can be used.
All you need is something that will decompose and produce ammonia. You could just drop in normal fish food in large quantities and that would do it.
while pee'ing in your tank does add ammonia it also adds all sorts of other toxins, if you don't want them in your body you don't want them in your fish tank either!!

just use fish food, like normal flake food. feed the tank everyday as you would if it was stocked with fish, measure the ammonia and nitrite every day, when they are both consistently hitting 0 twelve hours after adding your fish food then you're cycled and ready to add fish. it's not as accurate as fishless cycling with pure ammonia so it's best to still stock lightly with hardy fish however it's significantly better than doing a fish-in cycle.

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