just bought some king british catfish pellet food.


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi just bought pellet foos for my albino corys but they are not eating it they are going up to it and turning away the only fish that are eating it are the 2 baloon mollies lol its for ------->CATFISH <-------- you stupid mollys lol
why dont you think they are eating it are they just inspecting it and getting used to it because i have never tried it before its new to them.
I have a similar problem in my Mbuna tank although the syno's in there love the pellets, they just don't get chance to get any because the Mbuna polish them off way before they hit the bottom! :rofl:
lol have you got albino corys or peppered or panda or somthing else?
2 Synodontis Eupterus and they love the king british pellets, like i say the only problem is beating the Mbuna to it....not easy.

I'm sure the cories will eat them eventually! :)
i hope so i dont want my cories to starve i know they will get the flakes that fall to the bottom but the pellets are high in nutrients and easy to digest and doesnt produce as much waste.
Yeah i am surprised they haven't gone right at them straight away. Keep an eye on them though, i can't see them ignoring them for long.

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