Just Blew £40...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
Righty, after trawling the net for info on Saltwater Aquariums and setting one up, I have just bought "The Conciencous Marine Aquarist".

Looks like I've got some reading to do and then I can be on my merry way in setting up a tank.
Great book, and yeah you've got lots of reading ahead of you :nod: Make sure to ask here if things confuse you :)
Lol, yeah you should check your wallet at the door when starting this hobby
Hey ski ive got a Q about that book it goes on and on about the drip method of aclimating but dousent tell you how. So i want to know how do you do it ?
Easiest way is to get some thin flexible airline tubing, set a bucket up below your tank level and start a siphon with the airline tubing. Then tie a knot in it and pull the knot tight until the siphon slows to a drip :)

And Dan, I've only read half the book and there was a lot of very good information in there. For someone such as your self who spends a lot of time researching online and allreay knows a lot about Nanos, it might not be worth the large sticker price of the book. Something like one of Eric Borneman's many coral books would probably be more up your alley :)

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