Just Been Doing My 3rd Water Change Today And Just Had A Thought

If it runs ok during a water change then I'd leave it on. That way you won't forget to switch it back on and that could be disaterous....

I tend to turn off my filters when doing a water change as you are placing greater pressure on the motor asking it to suck water up a greater height above the surface when removing water for a change.

It depends on how much water I'm changing. If I am changing enough on my 75 gallon (dual Fluval 304s) that the outlet will be above the water, I unplug them. If it's only a small change where the outlet is still under water, I leave them running. Just be sure toplug them back in if you cut them off.
Personally I think it is good practice to turn off both filter and heater while hands are in contact with water incase of accidents. Also, if water level drops below either no harm will be done.

Tip.......hang a sign on the door handle of your fish room saying turn on filter/heater if you are afraid of forgetting :rolleyes:
Well what I do is I have to take my lid off to do water changes so I turn everything off do my stuff and put the lid back on, I realize that the light isn't on so I remember to turn the power back on, it's natural for me really.
Yeah I always turn everything off in my tank before I do water changes. As long as you add dechlorinator to the tap water first (or add it to the tank as you add the tap water) it should be fine to leave the filter if you want to (as long as the water level doesnt drop low enoug for the filter input to be out of water).
yeh im same lights off, lid off, filters off, water change + dechlorinator, filter back on, lid on. lights on, job finished
I turn filter/lights/heter off and take the plug out as if you are putting your hands in the water, electric, flesh and water dont do too well! You really should turn them off. You wont forget to turn them back on once you get into the swing of it. GRJ :good:
yeh im same lights off, lid off, filters off, water change + dechlorinator, filter back on, lid on. lights on, job finished
I never take the lids off unless i am working inside the tank, for a quick water change i put the python in through the lid door. And all these years doing this i have never shut off the filters. I never had a filter breakdown from lack of water. As long as the water inlet is covered by water your ok.

I do unplug the heater(s) though.

I think its more important to turn the filters off during feeding so they dont suck up all the food, It cuts down on filter maintenance too.
If nothing becomes exposed I only turn off light, and leave everything else (heater, filters) plugged in and running...I do however always cover up the power strip with a plastic trash bag to prevent any water spill accidents even though the likelihood of such an accident occurring is small. Since I've switched over to one 50% water change weekly instead of two smaller ones however, I just turn the power strip off. Turning off the power strip is a good reminder because then even the lights don't work. ^_^
I have my filter(s) and heaters on all my tanks plugged into surge suppressors, I just flip the switch off before I do a water change, then flip it back on when done. It can all be done with my feet, so no wet hands, and no need to unplug/replug anything, besides, a surge suppressor is ALWAYS a good idea when it comes to expensive things like filters, tv's, etc.
fish love it when i put water back in with all bubbles
Get an air stone, they'll be wetting their pants :D
How exactly does one wet their pants when underwater? :huh: And how do you manage to put pants on your fish, we need pics. :hey: :lol:
Wow.... you guys have me all paranoid now lol.

I've never unplugged the heaters... never even thought of it, and now that I think about it, part of them DOES come out of the water when I do water changes :crazy:

I do unplug the filter though... I think what I should start doing, is just flip the switch on the whole powerstrip and turn everything off.

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