Just added tank salt


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
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Manchester, UK
Hi, my mollie was looking a touch mouldy (fungus) I've just added some special tank salt (15 gallon tank) 4 teaspoons full. All the other fish seem fine but the tiger barb is hiding behind the filter and pointing upwards, wildly flapping his side fins. He's been doing this for an hour or 2, I've just added a couple more litres of water to dilute the salt down a bit.

Any sugestions.

You probably should do a 50% water change immidiately. Do it again if it doesn't help. You really should get a hospital tank if you're going to treat fish with salt.
Everyone in the tank is now fine. The mollie has improved massively overnight and the tiger is back to normal. I think it was just the rapid change in salt conditions. I'm new to fish and I've learnt you have to change things gradually.

Hi bobby :)

Just in case you don't know, I want to mention that if you have any catfish or loaches, you shouldn't use salt in your aquarium. It might not look like it bothers them at first, but it will eventually kill them. :-(
When applying salt, dilute it in water first for about an hour. Then pour the solution in your tank over a long period of time, like an hour. Make sure you pour it in different sections of the tank. This is the method I use in my tanks, including salt sensitive fish, like my clown loaches, pl*cos, cardinal tetras, and dwarf gourami. No signs of distress from the fish becuase of the salt. I only use salt for medications, but I used to dose my tanks with salt with EVERY water change and still no ill effects.

I think the salt killing fish is partially a myth. For those that killed their fish probably did the same thing, poured the salt crystal directly in the tank. Bottom dwellers, like loaches and catfish, got burned due to the crystals being on the bottom of the tank. Then had no where to go for comfort. Therefore, the high concentration killed them. So they concluded that salt kills loaches and catfish.
Hi, I dilluted the salt in the new water before adding it. My water and tank seem a lot clearer today than it has done for ages. I'm thinking of using 2 teaspoons full per 1/4 tank water change (15g tank) does that sound ok. Don't have any loaches or catfish. Do have 2 dwarf gouramis, 1 golden gourami, 1 tiger barb, 1 mollie, 1 fighter and 2 platties.

If the fish do not show any ill effects or are not distressed from the salt, then it should be fine. I would have to be cautious. I used to apply salt during all my water changes, but stopped. Although I read alot of places where salt is good for fish, I also read some places that it's harmful in the long run....Something about osmotic changes.

Also, keep in mind. DO NOT USE aquarium salt if your fish have dropsy. There are several causes for dropsy, one of which is kidney failure. The kidney processes the salt in the water.
crazie.eddie said:
... I also read some places that it's harmful in the long run....Something about osmotic changes.

...There are several causes for dropsy, one of which is kidney failure. The kidney processes the salt in the water.
Hi crazie.eddie :)

This is essentially what happens with scaleless fish such as catfish and loaches. They absorb too much salt through their skin and it ruins their kidneys. It might take awhile and the damage will not be seen until it's too late for them. :eek:

Do you know any humans with high blood pressure? The first thing their doctor will tell them is to eliminate salt from their diet. This is because the salt will make them retain water which raises their blood pressure and puts a strain on their kidneys. The end result is often kidney failure.

I do not know what the long term effects of salt are on fish with scales, but I wouldn't take a chance using salt on a regular basis. :no:
I have cories and a pleco and they are fine with salt. FYI - mollies are naturally brackish fish so they need salt in their water. They'll be fine for awhile without salt, but will eventually die.

I use about 1/2 salt that is actually recommended so as to not hurt my cories and pleco, but enough to satisfy my mollies!
Inchworm said:
crazie.eddie said:
... I also read some places that it's harmful in the long run....Something about osmotic changes.

...There are several causes for dropsy, one of which is kidney failure. The kidney processes the salt in the water.
Hi crazie.eddie :)

This is essentially what happens with scaleless fish such as catfish and loaches. They absorb too much salt through their skin and it ruins their kidneys. It might take awhile and the damage will not be seen until it's too late for them. :eek:

Do you know any humans with high blood pressure? The first thing their doctor will tell them is to eliminate salt from their diet. This is because the salt will make them retain water which raises their blood pressure and puts a strain on their kidneys. The end result is often kidney failure.

I do not know what the long term effects of salt are on fish with scales, but I wouldn't take a chance using salt on a regular basis. :no:
I've actually been using salt in my tanks for 9 years. Most of my current fishes have been with me for about 3 years, not due to deaths but a lot of selling back to the LFS. Actually, until about 2 years ago, I have been dosing salt incorrectly. I would dose my tank accordingly. When I did a water change, I would remove about 10 gallons of water or so. Instead of adding salt for the 10 gallons that was removed, I would add salt for the full 55 gallon tank. I never saw any ill effects from my actions. Most of the fish I still have or know where they are and still seem very healthy.

I have seen some cons on using salt. With me, any cons that would result in death or illnesses, I would take heed. I enjoy my hobby and my fishes and do not want anything to happen with them. I stopped using aquarium salt on a regular basis and only use it for treatment of parasites.

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