Just added play sand wate realy merky


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2004
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i just added sand and bought 3 plants i washed the sand really really really good and put it in the water is really cloudy and brown.. how long will it be b4 it goes away
did you taek the water out or just pour the sand in with the fish and water in too??

oh boy... :eek:
You'd better do a water change - that sand won't do your fish and filter any favours while it's floating around.
did you just trun the bucket over and dump it in or did you put cupfuls in. I did mine with fishes, I just turned the filter off for a while while the sand laid down. And then next morning it was okay, and by the time i got home in the afternoon it was clear.
weell at first i did it by cup fulls then i dumped the rest of the bucket in i turned on the filter after like an hour now im letting it sit w/the filter on
I kept doing water changes till mine ran clear. But I relocated the fish. It took quite a few water changes for me. I didn't want it to mess up the impeller on my HOB filter.
did you wash it - or just add it?

I washed mine in an old dustbin ander high pressure (nozel on hose pipe) for about 30 mins.... pooring away the water from the top while it was still mirky - so i poored away the very light 'floaty' bits of same...

I then added it to the tank and filled her up - no murkyness at all.
When I did my sand it wasn't murky at all. Only a tinted light cloudiness that quickly went away. Of course I didn't use Play Sand so it doesn't really help much.

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