Just Added New Fish


Apr 5, 2008
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i just added 7 cardinal tetras, 4 zebra danios, 8 serpae tetras, and 6 cherry barbs to my 55 gallon semi planted tank. that currently contains 2 cories, 2 small raphael catfish, 1 pleco, and 1 blue ram. im planning on adding more plants and fish. any fish suggestions. will be posting pics.
How about some hatchetfish to add a bit of movement to the top of your tank. Marbled hatchets are very nice (Carnegiella strigata). And why not break up the shoals of smaller mid swimmers with some larger species such as rainbowfish or pearl gouramis
i was thinking about hatchet fish but i am a firm bieliever of open top tanks and i have heard that they jump :lol:
as promised here are the pics.
my rams fnally posing for a pic. he is till a baby. :rolleyes:

a shot of some of my cardinal and serpae tetras.

full tank. it is a little blurry. sorry :lol:
Ah well, I'd probably avoid hatchets then but be careful with your other fish. Ive had fish leap out of tanks at work just by walking past because someones left the lid open. Out of curiousity, why are you a firm believer in open top tanks???
i believe that it creates a more natural look. and also it is slightly less maintenance.
Again, curiousity...How is it less maintainance? I would have thought a hooded, lit aquarium would be better for plants and less chance of fish escaping.
well algae sometimes will build up on the hood of the aquarium that will require daily cleaning and it will cause and odor. plus condensation will build up on it making it seem dirty.

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