Just A Thought...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2008
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ok to start off i have a 5 gallon planted tank and was considering the different ways i could go... and i started reading a "little" on Killi because i came across articales that say you can keep them in such a small tank...

so my question: is a 5 gallon tank really suitable for them? and if so how many? and what male to female ratio??

i know i need to read up more before i do anything but i wanted to see if they were even an option?
As long as you stick to a ratio of one male to 2 females of a standard sized (60mm) novice killifish species then your tank will be fine.
Only problem is you will have to be meticulous with your tank maintenance as I'm sure your aware, smaller tanks foul more quickly.
I would recommend Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus sp. to start with. And always remember killifish like to jump especially if the water is not to their liking so a tight fitting lid/hood is essential. Do some research into tank decor also.
thanks for the quick reply BigC... like i said i was only looking at my options... i have always been partial to things that people usually dont have or not even know what are... i have had a snakehead in the past... well before they became illegal here... and i have also had full grown clown knife... but with moving i had to scale down and only take my 40 gallon breeder for my turtle and this little 5 gallon i had a bette in some time ago....

for the 5 gallon i was considering a small skoul of black neons... maybe a dwarf gourami... or after some more reseach a killi 3 some i guess....

this is how the tank sits now.... i did go back to gravel not to long ago... and i got a slight ammonia spike of less than .25 ppm so ill have to let that work its way out...

i have one dwarf clawed frog in here right now so hoping the spike is very short lived...

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