Just a thought - taking the water....


Fish Addict
Sep 3, 2020
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I'm still very active in trying to get the exact water parameters for the various tanks I have.
I have a rainwater barrel setup, as highlighted on previous posts and yeah...... it's raining now.
However, as my tapwater has dropped to really much better chemistry levels, ie GH down to 170ish from mid 400's and the pH is now slightly below 7 as opposed to 8.5ish, I was wondering: If I allow my water butt to fill perhaps to 2 thirds of the volume and I add the rest of tapwater, untreated with chlorine present, would the chlorine take care of any bacteria that may have been caught in the gutters.
I know the chlorine will evaporate anyway so I could still use the mix direct without adding Prime for instance after a day or so. But would bacteria get annihilated before the chlorine evaporated?
Don't worry about the little bit of bacteria from your gutters, it is not going to be an issue. But what you suggest would be fine if that is what you want to do.

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