Just a random idea


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England
Just had a random thought...

as puffers are such messy little things, and are picky about water quality, how would a setup like this work to keep them happy??

Looks pretty impressive, though I don't know how quickly the plants would use up the nitrates!
But why not have the plants in with the fish?

Dwarf puffers need lots of obsticles & hiding places if kept in groups. Plants are ideal for this.
I think the extra water would help keep water quality better and if you put live plants in both tanks then nitrates wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I'll try this, I've got a 10 gallon I'm not doing anything with. Would you use pumps to move the water around?
Try having plants more in the top then in the bottom..
You're definately going to need more plants/cover for the puffers in the top tank. By setting up a tank like this you're basically making a type of sump filter, the beauty of these is that you're increasing the total volume of water hence reducing the possibility of ammonia/nitrites/ammonia going too high, maintainence would also be easier.

The only problems that I can see is that most external filters need to be below the level of the tank as they're gravity fed, the pump only helps the water go back up, if you had the filters at the same level you've run quite a high risk of burning the motor in the filter out. Have a look in the marine section or the DIY as I'm sure there is some info there on Sump filters.

In a nut shell, if you've got the space and money they're a VERY effective setup.
ooh alrighty i'll have a look in the marine section.

The picture wasnt really a very accurate portrayal of plant levels etc but I always seem to have a problem with nitrates and no space for more plants so having extra in the bottom seemed a good idea.

I wasnt aware that the filters are gravity fed though....maybe theres a way round that somehow....

more research needed!! :)
This is actually a idea that people with large planted set ups that use co2 injection but have soft water have been using for years to stabilise the pH. What they do is run the lights on the tank and sump alternately so the the tank is lit by day and the sump is lit by night, when co2 injection is used if the water has a low KH the pH can crash to dangerous levels overnight when the plants stop using co2. By alternating the lighting times the pH is kept stable and the tank gets nitrate removal 24 hours a day.

When using this kind of set up you wouldnt use external filters to power the water movement, you either have to get the tank drilled or use a overflow box ( http://www.marinedepot.com/a_of.asp?ast=&key= )on the side of the tank. You seperate the sump into 3 chambers and have the first with some bio/mechanical media, the secon for the plants and the third houses the sump pump that returns the water back to the tank, this way if for any reason the system stops working you dont end up with the contents of your tank all over the carpet as once the chain is broken the water stops moving.

this site will give you a idea of how sump systems are set up and their cost http://www.cleartides.co.uk/

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