Just A Quick Simple Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2005
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I dont know if i mentioned this before, but i am upgrading my 5 gallon tank to a 15 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump, and a 2.5 fuge. So here is my question, my sump is already in my stand and running i made a temporary cycle which pumps the water back to the beginning of the sump, so keep the flow going. I know have live rock ruble in their to begin the cycling. The actually tank will not be here for another week or two, and i have to have it drilled when it arrives. So my main question is can i cycle my tank in my sump using live rock, and when i add the fuge and 15 gallon tank to it will it be ready to go, or will it need to cycle again

Here are the Specs

Curent Tank
-5 gallon Hex
-Custom Hood 53 Watts

-15 gallon main tank
-10 Ten Gallon Sump with built in fuge
-2.5 Seperate Fuge
-Coralife 130 Watt Fixture
As your sump is your filtration, most likely your cycle will stay fine. However you will back step on your stability and it will take longer for the tank to settle down. IMO though you are fine doing as you planned and running it that way may bring up ideas that you can incorporate when adding the tank and fuge online.
Actually i thought of another part of this questions i didn't think about and that is. All my water is coming frmo an established 75 gallon reef tank, and the media i had in my 5 will be trnasfered over, along with all the live rocks. However when will it be safe to transfer my corals over, the sump like said above should be pretty close to being finished cycling, after i get the tank up and running about a week and half after the sump was operational
What i would do in this situtation is keep the new tank running for a few days before you do anything else and keep an eye on it.
Then Aclimate your corals one by one. Don't do it all at once!
yeah that sounds like a good idea, i guess i will start with the hardyiest ones first, and then work towards to other. Maybe add one coral every 2-3 days monitering the levels

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