Just A Quick Question :-)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
ashford, kent
hi everyone :D

i just have a few questions

im currently cycling my tank.i plan on keeping 2 dwarf puffers.over the past 6 months i have researched alot on these little guys.anyway my question is.

they need a lot of tank cleaning as they are messy eaters but if you gravel syphon too much can you get a mini cycle??
No, is the quick answer!

The beneficial bacteria live mostly in the filter, there's a ngeligable amount on the gravel or other decor. Besides that, the bacteria cling very strongly onto whatever surface they're living on; that's why you can wash your filter media out, in old tank water, without losing them all.
thanks for the quick responce.i know the majority of bacteria live in the filter but as ive never really had messy eating fish before and i havent needed to do as much gravel syphoning as the puffs need, i just thought id check to be safe. :D
It's always a good idea to check if you're not sure on something :)

Glad it was easily sorted!

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