Just a quick question


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
Found me a new LFS, well its not that local, its abou 20miles or so away. Anyway the shop seems to be just setting up with the tropical fish department all but complete. And I have to say all looks very good and clean (I suppose it would). But the main thing is (which I was well impressed by) was that when asomeone asked to buy a fish they were imediately interagated into what there set up is like what fish do you have and what size tank etc. Even better the staff weren't shy of telling little children off for banging on the tanks.

So as you can imagine I was pleased with the shop and thought Id definately come here again! Anyway after resisting the temptation of buying fish I bought some bog wood instead. I got talking to the shop owner, and the missus enquired about the cost of a BiOrb tank. Her parents want one. But they want tropical fish in it. I suggested this would be ok for a few guppies and neons and thats about it. Anyway on enquiring whether the BiOrb had a Heater, the guy said 'You don't need a heater for your fish :crazy: I thought he was just on about for danios and that but then he said he has a Marine setup with no heater??? He says the central heating is enough to keep his tank warm.

This may be ok for you guys and dols in the sunny states but I live in Bl00dy Scotland. So now im confused :blink:
If you keep your house at a constant temperature of 25 to 30 centigrade then you dont need a heater in the tank, people who run fish houses/rooms often employ this method as it is cheaper and easier than heating each tank individually.

The majority of people dont have their heating running 24 hours a day however so heaters are a must in the winter months at least.
You should've been like them (when they told off the kids) and not have been afraid of asking them to clarify what they said. :nod: You can't be sure it's safe to go to these stores unless you're as close to 100% sure as possible (esp. since it's 20 miles away).
Bi-Orbs can have heaters (if that shop doesnt have them then contact the company who make bi-orbs.)and its true that Danios dont necessarily need a heater, but its better to have a heater in a tropical tank, just to make doubly sure. Most centrally heated houses turn off the heating at night so I would suggest you get a heater.
My new 30l doesnt seem to need the heater on, it warms up plenty with just the light on, and i've checked the temps at night and they don't seem to drop, staying at a steady 24 - 25.

but wouldnt you rather be safe than sorry?

I know I would if my fish were at stake I would pay the extra £20 for a heater!

Especially if I lived in Scotland where it is colder.
I think I will stick to having a heater :nod: . Like plecoperson said Best to be safe than sorry!

Im not fussy for the BiOrb anyway. As I said it for the inlaws (to be). The problem is they know nothing about fish which means Ill have to look after it. :crazy: So unless they get a 55gal that I can set up a cichlid tank in (with their money) Im not interested :p

I suppose you learn something new everyday, but like I said Ill stick to using heaters.
Dave said:
Found me a new LFS, well its not that local, its abou 20miles or so away. Anyway the shop seems to be just setting up with the tropical fish department all but complete. And I have to say all looks very good and clean (I suppose it would). But the main thing is (which I was well impressed by) was that when asomeone asked to buy a fish they were imediately interagated into what there set up is like what fish do you have and what size tank etc. Even better the staff weren't shy of telling little children off for banging on the tanks.

So as you can imagine I was pleased with the shop and thought Id definately come here again! Anyway after resisting the temptation of buying fish I bought some bog wood instead. I got talking to the shop owner, and the missus enquired about the cost of a BiOrb tank. Her parents want one. But they want tropical fish in it. I suggested this would be ok for a few guppies and neons and thats about it. Anyway on enquiring whether the BiOrb had a Heater, the guy said 'You don't need a heater for your fish :crazy: I thought he was just on about for danios and that but then he said he has a Marine setup with no heater??? He says the central heating is enough to keep his tank warm.

This may be ok for you guys and dols in the sunny states but I live in Bl00dy Scotland. So now im confused :blink:
the whole idea of having a heater is that the tank stays at a constant temperature,or so i thought anyway!!

where do you live, and what is the lfs called?

its not always cold up here, or maybe you just get used to it!!
Hi aberdeen Aquarist

the whole idea of having a heater is that the tank stays at a constant temperature,or so i thought anyway!!

Me to

where do you live, and what is the lfs called?

I Live in Fife and the lfs is in Ediburgh down leith walk (Do you know it?)

its not always cold up here, or maybe you just get used to it!!

It is always cold up here! Its just that you born and bred scots are used to it!
Dave said:
I Live in Fife and the lfs is in Ediburgh down leith walk (Do you know it?)

It is always cold up here! Its just that you born and bred scots are used to it!
where in fife, anywhere near cupar?
if so, the best shop in britain is there, i'm sure you've heard of it!!

i have heard of the one in leith walk but have never been.

its a glorious sunny day up here, ie. above freezing!!
Burntisland in Fife! I have been to Cupar and it is very good! I always spend too much there. Staff are very helpfull and have lots of fish. The only problem is it always makes me want to set up a marine tank.

The shop in leith has been around a while but now they've moved to larger premises (still on leith walk). I would say it was worth the visit if you were in Edinburgh any time!

Oh and its sunny here too, good old global warming eh? :D

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