Id first like to say im new to the hobby and would appreciate any responses. I cant offer much insight on fish in return, but if your having car troubles, im an automotive tech so just let me know :0) Ive been doing a lot of reading, feel my tank is doing OK but just looking for some conformation/opinions on a few issues.
Im running a 29 gallon biocube, with 20lbs of CC, and an aditional 600GPH powerhead. Did the "shrimp" cycling about 2 months ago, but wasnt able to get inhabitants immediatly afterwards. One week ago we added 10lbs cured live rock from the LFS, and 6 damsels. The Biological filter had a little trouble dealing with all the amonia(hit about 4ppm), before it started to break it down. PH also dropped to ~8.0, but is on the rise. Salinity is slightly higer than my hygrometer reccomends, 36-7. Running a temp about 73, and a lighting cycle 6am to 3pm(bright day bulb)with LED's, 3pm to 10pm(bright night bulb)with LED's, and 10pm to 6am LED only.
My first concern is one of the damsels. He's been quite "shy" since day 1, stays in the same spot all day...figured he'd come out when he gets hungry enough. but still havent seen him eat. Still swimming upright. He is the biggest, and presumably the somewhere its hard to "teach an old fish new tricks." I can see several possible causes, does anything raise a red flag?
I am quite pleased with my live rock(but it doesnt take much to impress me). Was tickled pink when I discovered 2 cattipillar looking worms, I later IDed as brisstle worms. I've my opinion on them, but yours?
Some sort of growth is starting to form on the surface of the live rock. Brownish/Golden/Green. Diatoms? Or something else? There are just think patches, that coat most of the surface now. Was able to scrap a little off. I dont consider it to be a problem yet, it hasnt spread to other parts of the tank. Should I worry?
Also IDed two small patches of corraline algae. From what ive read this is desireable? Ive an what ill call "plant", looks just like a venus fly trap, i have not been able to identify. ?!?! Along with a "spongy" thing, with a teeny snail. And one other plant, kind of hand looking thing. Has lobes like the "fly trap", but without spikes, but doesnt look like its the same creature.
Next step i plan on getting some inverts. 5 snail, 5crab, 5 shrimp. Starfish and maybe an anemone, for the clownfish to come. Eventually want an Koran or Emerior Angelfish to anchor the tank.
Thanks in advance.
Im running a 29 gallon biocube, with 20lbs of CC, and an aditional 600GPH powerhead. Did the "shrimp" cycling about 2 months ago, but wasnt able to get inhabitants immediatly afterwards. One week ago we added 10lbs cured live rock from the LFS, and 6 damsels. The Biological filter had a little trouble dealing with all the amonia(hit about 4ppm), before it started to break it down. PH also dropped to ~8.0, but is on the rise. Salinity is slightly higer than my hygrometer reccomends, 36-7. Running a temp about 73, and a lighting cycle 6am to 3pm(bright day bulb)with LED's, 3pm to 10pm(bright night bulb)with LED's, and 10pm to 6am LED only.
My first concern is one of the damsels. He's been quite "shy" since day 1, stays in the same spot all day...figured he'd come out when he gets hungry enough. but still havent seen him eat. Still swimming upright. He is the biggest, and presumably the somewhere its hard to "teach an old fish new tricks." I can see several possible causes, does anything raise a red flag?
I am quite pleased with my live rock(but it doesnt take much to impress me). Was tickled pink when I discovered 2 cattipillar looking worms, I later IDed as brisstle worms. I've my opinion on them, but yours?
Some sort of growth is starting to form on the surface of the live rock. Brownish/Golden/Green. Diatoms? Or something else? There are just think patches, that coat most of the surface now. Was able to scrap a little off. I dont consider it to be a problem yet, it hasnt spread to other parts of the tank. Should I worry?
Also IDed two small patches of corraline algae. From what ive read this is desireable? Ive an what ill call "plant", looks just like a venus fly trap, i have not been able to identify. ?!?! Along with a "spongy" thing, with a teeny snail. And one other plant, kind of hand looking thing. Has lobes like the "fly trap", but without spikes, but doesnt look like its the same creature.
Next step i plan on getting some inverts. 5 snail, 5crab, 5 shrimp. Starfish and maybe an anemone, for the clownfish to come. Eventually want an Koran or Emerior Angelfish to anchor the tank.
Thanks in advance.