Just A Poll

Fishy Girl

New Member
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
hi people i have a quick question. I want to know the reasons
people are on this site. is it because they need help with their fish or because they want to
help, they love fish or some other reason. let me know.
Oh and by the way my reason is i love my betta fish Jewel and want to learn as much as possible about him.
Two reasons: 1. Its nice to be in an enviroment where you can talk and be crazy about aquariums without being looked on as a nutcase :rolleyes: and
2. This is a REALLY good place to learn pretty much anything you want, so if there is a species im interested in, i can just ask rather than trawling through a whole load of contradicting and sketchy information on the internet, even though i would always do that first to make sure i never ask anything too stupid or simple.
I needed to learn. This is the most friendliest and most active forum I have found and have never looked back.
Two reasons: 1. Its nice to be in an enviroment where you can talk and be crazy about aquariums without being looked on as a nutcase :rolleyes: and
2. This is a REALLY good place to learn pretty much anything you want, so if there is a species im interested in, i can just ask rather than trawling through a whole load of contradicting and sketchy information on the internet, even though i would always do that first to make sure i never ask anything too stupid or simple.
Hey thats a good reason! thanks for answering this!
I joined while researching my dad's new community tank so I was looking for information. Since then I've been tempted into getting a Betta, so more info is/was needed. While I'm here I enjoy chatting to people about fish knowing I'm nto boring them silly with my noob questions :)

If I happen to know the answer to a question someone has I'll surely share what little I know if it will help :good:
hi people I'm so glad to hear from you all. I like hearing your reasons.
I personally think these are all great reasons and i hope i get to hear more.
I am hear to learn give any info I have and for the love of my fish :D
Cracker>>>> lol good answer
I don't use this part of the forum much as I'm not keeping bettas atm, but I like to skim through the forums that have less relevance for me (this, African cichlids, brackish) in order to learn more. Have kept bettas in the past- I suppose one day I might be tempted again.
Cracker: :flowers: lol

Information, friendly chatter, support in my insanity, to reinforce my caretaker issues.... I'm with white whale. TFF is a well run, helpful, and friendly forum that I stumbled into while looking for help with my first community tanks. But I really couldn't resist this sorority tank! lol
I enjoy being able to talk to people who care as much about fish like I do - most of my friends and family think fish are pretty but they don't want to talk about their care etc. TFF is also a great place to learn new fishkeeping tips and skills, and help out where I can. :good:
I first came here to learn - I had kept fish before as a child with my Dad supervising (they were his fish really - he just let me "help" ;) ) but it had been a few years so I needed help!

Now I want to help where I can as I am grateful for the advice I received and would like to give something back - also I still need help as I only have one year of proper fishkeeping experience!

There is a lot of experience to draw from on this forum and it's nice to be to able share. Also, no-one else I know is as interested in the "ins and outs" as I am - they just look at the tank and say ooh pretty - half the time they get bored when I start telling them what the fish are!
bit of all of the above, to learn, to help others, to chat to people who are just as crazy as me when it comes to fish.

also to while away the time when I'm bored in work or need a breather from whatever I'm concentrating on.

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