Fish Fanatic
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Got some advise for you that I found while researching my own nano. Get ride of the chunky substrait you have and replace it with agronite sand instead. Also, the chromises in your tank needs more room that 30 liters. Also get rid of the UGF and get a HOB filter or canister filter. Also beause everything is in close proximilty I would (personally) get rid of the blue legged hermits and keep the reds, also, pick up some snails.
I would suggest Mushrooms, Leathers, Zoos, GSPs for corals.
chromis are shoaling fish, and i'm afraid that 2 isn't a shoal, the coral grave/ug filter combo is going to cause you nothing but problems i'm afraid, if were you i would
1, take the chromis and the blue legs back to the shop
2, get a big bucket and put all your water and rock into it.
3, get rid of the gravel and u/g.
4, put the rock and water back in and add a fine layer of argnonite/fine coral sand
the live rock is all the filter you need just aim the powerhead on the diagonal to create some flow.
there really are much better fish for a nano, everyone will have their recomendations but the chromis really would suffer!
hope that helps
So JakeKM didn't trust me?
I would absolutely get a filter. Internals take up space so go with a HOB. Fill the filter with high quality carbon in a NYLON bag, not a filter floss bag.