Just A Pic Of My Breeding Severums


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2012
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Just wanted to show them off :) thye are both around 7-8", had 1000's of eggs but they go white everytime and they eat them, obviosuly down the the red male, but they are still a great pair :)

No my Sevs dont touch smaller fish, you could put neons in there and they wouldnt touch them :)
My sevs aren't quite that docile. I have a green and a gold. Still trying to find out what sex they are. Cool thing about how docile yours are :)
They just bred again today, its funny, they let my Angel pair and baby rotekils right next to there eggs, they just chase off the barbs and plecs.
my sevs eat plattys also lol , very nice
I couldn't imagine a Severum eating a platy, well my Red spot has been with them for over a year and could eat them no problem if he wanted.
My red spotted sev didnt bother with my neons, and then bang in two days he ate 15 of them,
To be fair tho, i'm not really bothered if they eat them or not, they were bought when my Sevs were still small to busy up the tank, now they are monsters they are surplus anyway.
I love how the gold severums seem to be fat and have a double chin. I know my goldie is a chunker lol. Its quite cute.

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