Just a must read funny story


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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So this summer when i got my tank my friend and i got what we thought was a african dwarf frog. So months later this thing is huge and chases fish and we realize he is not a ADF but instead an african clawed frog. Also in this tank we have a fire bellied newt. We are then informed the reason our newt constantly stays on his floating rock is that he does not like a full tank of water. So we set up a tank for him with a huge rock sticking out and half full, we even add some white clouds and of course our frog thinking they have been in the same tank 6 months now why would this matter. Well the white clouds were in there a day when the first was gone, so we move the frog back to the other tank with the bigger fish. A couple days later we decided to get some neon tetras and assuming he would eat those in the big tank we move the frog back to the newt tank, next day of course white cloud #2 is gone. Then came our spring break in which we must leave for one week, well on break we finally found some more fire belly newts for the tank because we wanted Wayne Newt (our newt) to have some friends, (they are of course named Garth Newt, and Squeak. Upon our return tonight we set the newts bag into the tank to acclimate it and immediately the frog is on his hind legs just looking into the bag. We then find wayne on the highest point of his rock and nothing but skin and bones, and of course zero white clouds remaining. We decide to add the newts anyway and within seconds the frog attacked one from behind and drug him under water and was trying to eat him. It was like watching a piranha, so crazy. We had to chase him with a net all over and pull the newt out, this of course led to the frog being set into a bowl, and an immediate run to walmart for a personal tank. Tank has been set up and he was thrown in (his health is not our concern, but he has been added to tanks like this multiple times now). We even got him feeder goldfish so maybe he will eat those now. Wayne the original newt has returned to the water and re-hydrated himself and is looking well and socializing with his new buddies. So if anyone in the Indiana area is interested in owning a mutant violent frog simply let me know. Hope you all enjoy the story, sorry couldn't think fast enought to snap some pictures of it happening, if anyone has similar stories i would love to hear them. :nod: B) :lol: :hyper:
:p Few, what a long read.....but quite funny indeed! Thtat frog has been moved so many times he wont know what to call home. :D

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