Just A Funny Story For You Pleco Lovers.......


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Steubenville, OH
OK last night around 8:30 PM I went in my bedroom to give my BN plec a piece of zuccinni from my garden, well I dropped it in and of couse she/he started eating it right away, after I watch it munch out for a while I went back out in the living room to watch my show that was comming on at 9pm, well I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at about 2:30-3 in the morning.( nothing out of the ordinary for me we have a very comfy couch) Well I do the usally, get up tell my cichlids and turtles good night, give Jack (my fiance) a shake on the leg and tell him to go get in bed, Give the dog a bump and tell him too. Well when I get to the bedroom, I always look at my guppies, because they all sleep on the bottom of the tank in their own little spots( I think its cute LOL, I know im weird, but I LOVE my animals ) Well I noticed that my BN was no where in sight, So I flick the tank light on and I'm looking everywhere, I holler at jack and asked him if he moved the BN in the other tank, He said No. So its 3:00 in the morning and im moving stuff around in the tank, digging in the gravel, still nothing, I have a cover over my hose for the filter so I know the BN didnt get sucked up there. Jacks looking under the dresser with a flash light searching for him, still no sign of the fish. ( the tank is fully covered so he couldnt of got out) Well my filter is built in the hood of my tank, so I tear the whole thing apart looking at the bottom of it to see if he was suctioned to it where I couldnt see him, Still no fish!!!! So now Im totally bummed out that my fish isnt anywhere to be found, Jack pulls my biowheel from the filter, and there he was hanging out under the biowheel. I found out he was sucking the bottom of the filter, and just suck he way in to a little hole where the water comes out, Needless to say its now 4 in the morning and I have to work but I was relieved to find the fish. I just thought that was finda funny, If you have anyfunny storys about your fish, let me hear em!!!!!
Very interesting! :fun:

Not such a funny story as yours but here goes: We just added 5 kuhllii loaches to a tank with a bristlenose pleco. Well, we were excited, but not so much the bristlenose. He tried to catch all 5 loaches that are scattering in all different directions. It was very funny. He would almost catch one just to see a different one pop up right next to him. He was all over. :rofl: Luckily, he now lives in peace with his new tankmates.
I was due to go out to a friends house and was in a bit of a hurry, i told her i just had to clean out my TetraTec external as the flow rate was seriously low again, clogging up so quickly due to the rate my bristlenoses are breeding! And it was overdue... my bad!

I told her it wouldnt take me more than 10 minutes max, so easy to sort!!!

45 minutes later....... i was still picking baby bristlenose plecs out of the sponges!! 36 i saved!! 2 were dead and about 4 went down drain (felt terrible but i started pouring filter water out and suddenly saw movement!!

Its taken my HUGE adult pair 6 months to start breeding!! Drove me mad!!! Now he is sitting on his fourth clutch of eggs in 8 weeks!! The female is laying every 2 weeks!!! Thankfully he accidentally decimated the first clutch by being overprotective and squashing them when he dashed in to protect them from the evil cory!

The second clutch i didnt realise was there when i was moving them to a new tank and i acclimatised the fish but not the wood!! Lost nearly all, bless his heart, Barry (male) still raised 4 babies! His first babies, i am so proud of him LOL then i only noticed he had second clutch when i found 20 odd babies everywhere (turns out there were loads more of them because i had 36 in the filter and a few dead and some in tank too!).

He currently has his biggest clutch of bright orange eggs yet!

My BN ('Nibbler') must have a special Food Radar tucked away somewhere because whenever I drop some veg into the tank, blink and he's there!! How the HECK a 3" BN can smell an incoming slice of cucumber from somewhere else in an 85L tank is beyond me.

He's also 'trained' now, so that as soon as the tank light goes out, he glides to the front, perches right under the hole in the tank top glass and waits patiently till a plec flake or two boinks him on the head.

Clever boy!!

I was due to go out to a friends house and was in a bit of a hurry, i told her i just had to clean out my TetraTec external as the flow rate was seriously low again, clogging up so quickly due to the rate my bristlenoses are breeding! And it was overdue... my bad!

I told her it wouldnt take me more than 10 minutes max, so easy to sort!!!

45 minutes later....... i was still picking baby bristlenose plecs out of the sponges!! 36 i saved!! 2 were dead and about 4 went down drain (felt terrible but i started pouring filter water out and suddenly saw movement!!

Its taken my HUGE adult pair 6 months to start breeding!! Drove me mad!!! Now he is sitting on his fourth clutch of eggs in 8 weeks!! The female is laying every 2 weeks!!! Thankfully he accidentally decimated the first clutch by being overprotective and squashing them when he dashed in to protect them from the evil cory!

The second clutch i didnt realise was there when i was moving them to a new tank and i acclimatised the fish but not the wood!! Lost nearly all, bless his heart, Barry (male) still raised 4 babies! His first babies, i am so proud of him LOL then i only noticed he had second clutch when i found 20 odd babies everywhere (turns out there were loads more of them because i had 36 in the filter and a few dead and some in tank too!).

He currently has his biggest clutch of bright orange eggs yet!

For a while I breed Guppies and i had the sweetest looking red and blue cobra snake skin looking guppy, well I was cleaning out the tank with the siphon, went to dump the water down the toliet, seen this dark thing swirl down the drain :blink: , went in did a head count sure enough my fabulous looking male gup went down the drain. :unsure: I told my fiance that he is going to come swim back up and be a giant mutant guppy from H3ll. I felt terrible but it was still kinda funny LOL

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