Just A Few Updates On Some Fry


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bournemouth Uk
this boy is a product of delta marble male x hm celophane navy female all 3 months old ish

these are from the same male x cambodian ct female and just under 3 months old



and finally my nice little genetic find thats proving very exciting as they grow, 2 months old, gunna continue with this line in 2 ways, they are a product of HMPK white/steel celophanes, ive still got the father of these and he has turned from the white/steel celophane to a yellow with steel bars over the last month, hence the yellow cambodian in the 2 of the fry, yellow cambodian isnt an actual colouration but by stating this you will know that i mean yellow finnage and white bodies, ive now got the father in with a marble red/white hm female to hopefully give me a yellow and red marble hm line, spawning tonight as it happens, gunna cross the yellow fry with the father if one is female or cross them both if one of each sex.

and the 2 yellow cambos


oh got a mass of female hm coming in next tuesday from singapore if anyone is interested, let me know as i can give you a link to them via my website before they get listed on ebay
oh got a mass of female hm coming in next tuesday from singapore if anyone is interested, let me know as i can give you a link to them via my website before they get listed on ebay

I'm interested!!! hehe, as if you couldn't guess that already!
and finally my nice little genetic find thats proving very exciting as they grow, 2 months old, gunna continue with this line in 2 ways, they are a product of HMPK white/steel celophanes, ive still got the father of these and he has turned from the white/steel celophane to a yellow with steel bars over the last month, hence the yellow cambodian in the 2 of the fry, yellow cambodian isnt an actual colouration but by stating this you will know that i mean yellow finnage and white bodies, ive now got the father in with a marble red/white hm female to hopefully give me a yellow and red marble hm line, spawning tonight as it happens, gunna cross the yellow fry with the father if one is female or cross them both if one of each sex.
and the 2 yellow cambos

why would yellow cambodian not be an actual colouration? just curious because i know that cambodian colouration is a genetic trait (and doesn't occur in blues) but seeing as yellow is actually a mutation of the red gene, then surely its possible to have the cambodian genetics, with the non-red mutation, and therefore produce an actual yellow cambodian. (as opposed to a fish with a pale body that just happens to have colour on its fins, more of a marble)

i'm fairly new to the whole genetics thing, so could be totally off on this! :unsure:

by the way they are lush whatever they are!
OMG ibble has got the genetic thing down to a T, after reading that i gotta say that yes you may well be only 99% right, thats is because there is a blue finned white body gene at the moment that is being worked on, this and i presume the yellow still havent been classified as such so the red cambonian rules the roost so to speak, i think it must be down to the fact that the colours must show in several generations with a high % of the fry being a certain colour, pattern, tail type before it is classified.
how many have you got too cull daz?
these guys seem perfect :drool:

What do you do when you cull them? As in, do you feed them to a bigger fish? Or just euthanize them, or what? And how do you pick which ones to do it to? Obviously any that are deformed.. but I take it not all of them have something wrong with them physically?

Just curious :)
how many have you got too cull daz?
these guys seem perfect :drool:

What do you do when you cull them? As in, do you feed them to a bigger fish? Or just euthanize them, or what? And how do you pick which ones to do it to? Obviously any that are deformed.. but I take it not all of them have something wrong with them physically?

Just curious :)
Ill start a thread on it hun!
although someone will say it cruel :rolleyes:
some have too be fussy

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