Just a few questions.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
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Hey everyone. I am new at all of this. A couple weeks ago, I bought my first fish tank. It is ten gallons. It came with a heater, filter, thermometer and fish food, and fish tank water conditioner. I have also gotten some fish since then, 2 angel fish, 2 white skirt tetra, 2 zebra fish, 1 albino shark, and 1 suckermouth fish (I don't know if that is the correct name for it). They all seem to be doing fine and eatting well. I got them from a fish store, the girl that helped me said they were all good community fish. Although though reading on here some people said angels are bad with tetra. Is that true? And is a 10 gallon tank to small for angels? See I didn't know all this before I went and bought the fish. I would love to hear everyones advice on starting out. Thanks :)

Afraid to say but your tank is hideously over stocked. The angels get WAY too big, they grow to be 18' from tip to tip, so the top half of your angel would stick out of the tank, like a shark! :crazy:

The shark and the suckerfish (Im thinking pleco -- if not, correct me :*) ) will get too big aswell. The tetras are fine, but they need a school of fish to be comfortable. The danios (the zebras), I believe, are fine in those numbers.

It sounds like you didnt cycle your tank. Its too much to explain here, so read up on this link: http://www.aquahobby.org/articles/e_fishless.php

After you have read that, I sugest you taking out the angels, shark, and pleco. After that there will be only 4 fish, just keep those in there and you will start your cycle. Since you added the fish un knowingly, they *might* die on you, so beware. Once the cycle is over, I suggest finishing your White Skirt Tetra school, add three more, making five. Keep the danios and maybe get an otto. But thats all I'd put in a 10 gallon -- I dont think WST are the smallest of the tetras.. so thats why you should be hesitant to adding more fish.

Good Luck! ;)
Clear_View said:
Hey everyone. I am new at all of this. A couple weeks ago, I bought my first fish tank. It is ten gallons. It came with a heater, filter, thermometer and fish food, and fish tank water conditioner. I have also gotten some fish since then, 2 angel fish, 2 white skirt tetra, 2 zebra fish, 1 albino shark, and 1 suckermouth fish (I don't know if that is the correct name for it). They all seem to be doing fine and eatting well. I got them from a fish store, the girl that helped me said they were all good community fish. Although though reading on here some people said angels are bad with tetra. Is that true? And is a 10 gallon tank to small for angels? See I didn't know all this before I went and bought the fish. I would love to hear everyones advice on starting out. Thanks :)
Angle fishes and sharks absolutely don't belong in a 10g tank. Not sure about suckermouth, but I suspect that too will also grow larger.

You should check the profiles of each species you own (or the ones you may want to own) and keep away from those that grows past 2 inches or so. Even then, some species will be too nippy or aggressive to keep in a 10g (e.g. tiger barbs)
Thanks for the advice, I didn't know angelfish got that big :eek: . Mine are just tiny now. So is the shark and the suckermouth. But I supose that I should find them a better home. I have been ofered a 29 gallon tank. Do you think they would do well in that? Well thanks again for the advice. :)
29g is definitely better (is it a 2.5ft or 3ft tank?) and angels might be ok (probably not completely comfortable). Sharks are still supposed to get too aggressive for that sized tank when they grow bigger though...
I'm not quite sure if it is 2.5ft or 3ft, someone is giving it to me, because their wife doesn't like fish :eek: . I will ask next time I get ahold of them though. Okay, I guess I have to take the shark out, I know someone who has a 75 gallon tank. I am sure they would love to have him. I sure hope that would be big enough :p . Thanks again.
Dakota Ice said:
The danios (the zebras), I believe, are fine in those numbers.
Zebra danios (danio reio) need to be in groups of 5 or more as they get very aggressive in ones and twos!

You are very overstock . can you take some fish back to the shop you got them from?
Okay, thanks for the advice, I was kind of noticing they were a little agressive with each other, I didn't know if they were just playing though, because they chace each other.

As for taking some of the fish back to the store I got them from, I don't know. I should call and ask though :nod:

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