Just 'a Few' Questions!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Well I've been lurking around for a few weeks and want to get started on a marine project, figured it's easier to list what I have at the moment, then what I’m intending on getting!

Current Kit List

Juwel Rio 125
Standard Juwel Filter (filter media will be removed but I’m leaving the corner box for the moment)
Standard Juwel 600lph Powerhead
Juwel 200watt Heater
Juwel T8 Ballast 2x18w
2500lph Generic Powerhead (on the way)
v2 Refractometer (on the way)

So first of all I'm looking at the lighting, I was going to replace the Arcadia F0018 tube with an FMB18 Marine Blue Actinic Tube and leave the FF18 for a couple of weeks while I get more of the basics in then change it out with a Marine White Tube FMW18. Question is from a fish point of view will this be enough? I know long term I'd be looking at getting a T5 unit but if I can get away without it at the moment it'd be ideal for the funds! Would a pair of reflectors be worthwhile whilst running the T8s?

I was looking at T5 units that would fit the tank but most appear to sit on top instead of integrate with the cover which is sadly a no go for me, we have a very adventurous cat and although she can't get up there at the moment I don't want to risk her trying! She's already tried to jump into the tank and went splat against the glass! :lol: The juwel ones look expensive considering their known reliability problems too, any suggestions are welcome.

I need to get a few Salifert tests, other than Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia and pH are there any extra that i need to start with?

Now for the moment I'm planning on sourcing RO and premixed salt water from a local store, pets at home are convenient and do it, although I'm not sure of their reliability :/ Another question is should I keep a small stock of RO water for top ups, or premixed saltwater, or both and how much of each for the first few weeks? Any idea where I can get some decent jerry cans too!

Any good suppliers of live rock in or around Manchester, Warrington or Stockport or even online?!

Sorry for all of the questions!

Edit - Doh! Forgot about my skimmer questions! I've got a limited amount of space between the tank and the back wall so need something that's small really, has anyone tried the cheap and cheerful BOYU JAD units? Would a 150l/h to start with?
Well I've been lurking around for a few weeks and want to get started on a marine project, figured it's easier to list what I have at the moment, then what I’m intending on getting!

:hi: to TFF and the salty side of the forum :good:

So first of all I'm looking at the lighting, I was going to replace the Arcadia F0018 tube with an FMB18 Marine Blue Actinic Tube and leave the FF18 for a couple of weeks while I get more of the basics in then change it out with a Marine White Tube FMW18. Question is from a fish point of view will this be enough? I know long term I'd be looking at getting a T5 unit but if I can get away without it at the moment it'd be ideal for the funds! Would a pair of reflectors be worthwhile whilst running the T8s?

Fish and live rock wont care, as long as there is light to show off to you and yours :p and yes, get reflectors

I was looking at T5 units that would fit the tank but most appear to sit on top instead of integrate with the cover which is sadly a no go for me, we have a very adventurous cat and although she can't get up there at the moment I don't want to risk her trying! She's already tried to jump into the tank and went splat against the glass! :lol: The juwel ones look expensive considering their known reliability problems too, any suggestions are welcome.

I run juwel t5 lights, never had a problem with them, but you could use a t5 remote ballast and add the tubes to the flaps if you are any good at diy or even add aquarays

I need to get a few Salifert tests, other than Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia and pH are there any extra that i need to start with?

Not to start with, once you get corals, then yes

Now for the moment I'm planning on sourcing RO and premixed salt water from a local store, pets at home are convenient and do it, although I'm not sure of their reliability :/ Another question is should I keep a small stock of RO water for top ups, or premixed saltwater, or both and how much of each for the first few weeks? Any idea where I can get some decent jerry cans too!

I often use pets at home for water (too lazy sometimes to make my own :blush: ) you can ring ahead and ensure they have some :good: And yes, always have 25 litres of unsalted ro water for top-ups. Camping stores sell food safe 25 litre water storage containers

Any good suppliers of live rock in or around Manchester, Warrington or Stockport or even online?!

Keep checking adds for a reefer breaking down a tank, £5 a kilo usually

Sorry for all of the questions!

Don't be :good:

Edit - Doh! Forgot about my skimmer questions! I've got a limited amount of space between the tank and the back wall so need something that's small really, has anyone tried the cheap and cheerful BOYU JAD units? Would a 150l/h to start with?

You get what you pay for, I had a boyu in my first nano, it worked and was fine for the money - but you might want to splash out a bit for a better one, like the mce 300

Seffie x

ps how about starting a journel?
ps how about starting a journel?

Too busy cleaning the tank at the momment ;) Intending on doing so though! Longer term if I wanted to go down the route of adding coral I presume I could just add some additional T5s?

I think I'll go with a boyu jad (for the sake of £12-15) and keep an eye out for a second hand mce or v2 providing no one condems the idea on me!

Edit - Also will the lighting be okay for say a hermit crap / shrimp to get the tank going?
ps how about starting a journel?

Too busy cleaning the tank at the momment ;) Intending on doing so though! Longer term if I wanted to go down the route of adding coral I presume I could just add some additional T5s?

I think I'll go with a boyu jad (for the sake of £12-15) and keep an eye out for a second hand mce or v2 providing no one condems the idea on me!

Nope its a good plan, wait for a bargain :good:

Re: lighting, yep, you could indeed

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