Just A Few Questions


Jun 11, 2007
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Miami, Florida, U.S.
Okay, Den is doing fine but he seemed very interested in the filter, (Its a box filter that hangs outside).
Once he was around the sucking tube when I turned it on, his tailfin started to get sucked into it, so I immediatly turned it off. I know filters arent needed for bettas, but he really like to play with the current. (Thats what got his fin into it in the first place. I haven't turned the filter back on, from simple fear. Is this going to be a big problem? If it is ill just go back to the old fashioned bubbler. Also, can I stroke him? He isn't scared of my finger and doesnt flare, so I tried touching this fin and he did go in circles as if to want more.
You can try putting some small mesh (such as pantyhose) over the intake to keep his fins from getting pulled into the filter. You'll have to clean the mesh every once in a while as it will collect all the stuff that's too big to get threw the holes (basically everything but the water if you use pantyhose). But it will keep the betta's tail safe.

As for touching him, I would keep it to a minimum so you don't rub off his slime-coating. I know when I'm cleaning out my main tank, my goldfish always comes up and swims around my arm and sometimes plays with my fingers. He likes it when I touch his sides. But I try not to do it too often.
I found that he is building a bubble nest by the filter! :hyper: Thats why he was so interested in that area!
I would take pics but I lended my mom the camera, and she's in Paris.

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