Just 1 Cory?


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I wanted to get only 1 or 2 Corys... is this ok or do they have to be in groups like tetras??


Be warned, even in larger groups of 4/5 they can and usually are still skitish little things.
i thought it would be stupid to start a new thread, so i just want to add to the last question.... what is the maximum you can fit in a 24x12x12, 15 gallon tank with no other bottom feeders?
How many do you need for them to be stable?
4-5 minimum to be truly happy (stable).

i thought it would be stupid to start a new thread, so i just want to add to the last question.... what is the maximum you can fit in a 24x12x12, 15 gallon tank with no other bottom feeders?
Depends what other fish you have in your tank regardless of whether you have other bottom feeders or not :D
only a african butterfly fish and possibly some lemon tetras
12 works well! i have kept 6 together before and 4 died due to a bacterial infection. the remaining two were very obviously distressed they had lost their friend's and hid all day long until i added the new 10.

12 works well! i have kept 6 together before and 4 died due to a bacterial infection. the remaining two were very obviously distressed they had lost their friend's and hid all day long until i added the new 10.

I think it depends on the type of cory and the other inhabitants. I had 5-6 panda corys when i started the tank, but added them to quick. They are fragile little things and the numbers went down to 2. They would spend some time together, but were happily smoozing around by themselves all day too. 1 died a month a go after almost a couple of years, so i added a few more so he had some mates (all be it little mates). All of them seem to ignore each other and crack on by themselves.. Pehaps the inhabitants of my tank are un-intimitading towards them.

Edit: plenty of hidey hole cover for them though if they need it. so i guess they feel the protection is there if they need it, which often results in them not using it.

thats what i thought and that's why i wasnt going to get any. someone said they would be okay but i was kinda of shaky. so how many cories if its just the abf and them?
Not sure how aggressive ADFs are.

I have 6 albino aenus corys with 6 Candy Stripe, L15, plecos. That grouping works very well and they all get along nicely. :) In fact, the corys are so active that the plecos will, actually, come out in the open with the lights on. :hyper: :good:
Ok given that I would like to get some corys but only have a 90l (20gallon) tank what are the smallest corys available?

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