Jus' Me


New Member
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
East Sussex
Hi Guys!

Just got back in to fishkeeping after a break of a few years. Been watching the forum and you all seem like nice people so I thought I would join in!

Name: Alex
Location: South Coast, England
Profession: Pilot under training

Look forward to getting to know you all and exchange some of my - limited - knowledge!


Welcome! Good to have you here!

A break from fishkeeping - I didn't think that was possible. I thought once you had a tank you just couldn't be without one again :p :lol: (Unless, it was a forced break, of course... -_- ).

I like your name, BTW (your real name).

aka Married Lizard :wub:
A break from fishkeeping - I didn't think that was possible. I thought once you had a tank you just couldn't be without one again (Unless, it was a forced break, of course... ).

It was forced! an old moggy of mine got in and had a nibble at all the fish. Totally closed tank with a sturdy top and a weight on top to stop it coming off but it happened while I was on holiday. Came back and the tank was on its side on the floor, all fish eaten, and the cat asleep next to it.

Couldn't bring myself to put any more fish through that so I wated untill the cat ,sadly, passed away.

Now back to the fish!

Alex ;)

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